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a. A mark or succession of marks left by something that has passed.
b. A path, route, or course indicated by such marks: an old wagon track through the mountains.
2. A path along which something moves; a course: following the track of an airplane on radar.
a. A course of action; a method of proceeding: on the right track for solving the puzzle.
b. An intended or proper course: putting a stalled project back on track.
4. A succession of ideas; a train of thought.
5. Awareness of something occurring or passing: keeping track of the score; lost all track of time.
6. Sports
a. A course laid out for running or racing.
b. Athletic competition on such a course; track events.
c. Track and field.
7. A rail or set of parallel rails upon which railroad cars or other vehicles run.
8. tracks The boundary, formerly often delineated by train tracks, that separates two neighborhoods of different social class: grew up on the wrong side of the tracks.
9. Either of the continuous metal belts with which vehicles such as bulldozers and tanks move over the ground.
10. A metal groove or ridge that holds, guides, and reduces friction for a moving device or apparatus.
11. Any of several courses of study to which students are assigned according to ability, achievement, or needs: academic, vocational, and general tracks.
a. A distinct path, as along a length of film or magnetic tape, on which sound, images, or other information is recorded.
b. A distinct selection from an audio or video recording, usually containing an individual work or part of a larger work: the title track of an album.
c. One of two or more separate recordings that are combined so as to be replayed simultaneously, as in stereophonic sound reproduction: mixed the vocal track and instrumental track.
13. Computers
a. One of the concentric magnetic rings that form the separate data storage areas on a floppy disk or a hard disk.
b. A set of digital data encoded consecutively on an optical disc.
14. tracks Slang Needle marks on the skin from multiple intravenous injections, considered an indication of habitual drug use.
v. tracked, track·ing, tracks
1. To follow the tracks of; trail: tracking game through the forest.
a. To leave marks made of (dirt or mud, for example) on a surface: The dog tracked mud on the rug.
b. To leave marks on (a floor, for example) when moving or traversing: You're tracking up my nice clean floor!
a. To observe or monitor the course of (an aircraft, for example), as by radar.
b. To observe the progress of; follow: tracking the company's performance daily.
c. To determine or discover the location or origin of: tracked the money to an offshore account.
4. To equip with a track.
5. To assign (a student) to a curricular track.
1. To follow a course; travel: The storm is tracking up the coast.
a. To keep a constant distance apart. Used of a pair of wheels.
b. To be in alignment: The gears are not tracking properly.
a. To follow the undulations in the groove of a phonograph record. Used of a needle.
b. To move across magnetic heads. Used of magnetic tape.
4. To move in relation to a subject being filmed. Used of a camera or camera crew.
Phrasal Verb:
track down
To pursue until found or captured: tracked him down at the pub.
in (one's) tracks
Exactly where one is standing: stopped him right in his tracks.

[Middle English trak, from Old French trac, perhaps of Germanic origin.]

track′a·ble adj.
track′er n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.tracker - someone who tracks down gametracker - someone who tracks down game  
hunter, huntsman - someone who hunts game
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


A. Nrastreador m
B. CPD tracker dog Nperro m rastreador
tracker fund N = index-tracking fund
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


n (= American Indian etc)Fährtenleser m; (Hunt) → Tracker m
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
References in classic literature ?
"That thou shouldst never be one of these hill buffaloes of trackers. That was what he meant.
And the big brown elephant catchers, the trackers and drivers and ropers, and the men who know all the secrets of breaking the wildest elephants, passed him from one to the other, and they marked his forehead with blood from the breast of a newly killed jungle-cock, to show that he was a forester, initiated and free of all the jungles.
Big Toomai went up to the clerk with Little Toomai behind him, and Machua Appa, the head tracker, said in an undertone to a friend of his, "There goes one piece of good elephant stuff at least.
He shall become a great tracker. He shall become greater than I, even I, Machua Appa!
The outcome of it was that von Horn finally decided to make an attempt to follow the trail of the creature that the woman had seen, and with this plan in view persuaded Muda Saffir to arrange with the chief of the long-house at which they then were to furnish him with trackers and an escort of warriors, promising them some splendid heads should they be successful in overhauling Bulan and his pack.
The result being that the scent of their pursuers was borne away from them, so they proceeded upon their way in total ignorance of the fact that tireless trackers but little less expert in the mysteries of woodcraft than themselves were dogging their trail with savage insistence.
Ventvogel I had known before; he was one of the most perfect "spoorers," that is, game trackers, I ever had to do with, and tough as whipcord.
The single trail of a light man who had been running quickly and bearing a burden on his left shoulder held on round a long, low spur of dried grass, where each footfall seemed, to the sharp eyes of the trackers, marked in hot iron.
The most of them knew rifles and Sahibs of old: they were trackers and shikarris of the Northern valleys, keen after bear and wild goat; but they had never been thus treated in their lives.
From this convenient retreat, the watchers were being watched and the trackers tracked.
Oolanga, the experienced tracker, followed her, but succeeded in hiding his movements better than she did.
Voices came to him in an indistinguishable murmur, intensely irritating to a conscientious tracker. One of Fenimore Cooper's Indians--notably Chingachgook, if, which seemed incredible, that was really the man's name--would have crept up without a sound and heard what was being said and got in on the ground floor of whatever plot was being hatched.