

(Animals) any of various types of pest that feed on roses
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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If the leaves have lost their green and are brown and paper-thin, the most likely cause at this time of year is the roseslug. The roseslug is a slug-like, greenish white, repulsive-looking larva (stage between egg and adult) of certain sawflies about five-eighths of an inch long.
Roseslugs start feeding on the underside of leaves.
Roseslugs are common in our area and will attack any kind of roses.
If the leaves have lost their green, are brown and paper-thin, the most likely cause, at this time of the season, is the roseslug. It is a slug-like, greenish white, repulsive-looking larva (stage between egg and adult) of certain sawflies 5/8'' long.
Apply rose fertilizer to assist the plants in recovering from the feeding and leaf loss caused by the roseslug.
Roseslugs will not stop feeding until the leaf is consumed.
If the leaves have lost their green and are brown and paper-thin, the most likely cause, at this time of the season, is the roseslug.
If the leaves have lost their green, are brown and paper-thin, the most likely cause, at this time of the season, is roseslug. It is the larva (stage between egg and adult).
Note that rose slugs, officially the Bristly Roseslug, are picky creatures.