
Also found in: Medical.


(Anatomy) anatomy situated behind the anus
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Three rows of genital papillae: the external rows with thirteen papillae situated in a single line; ventral row with seven preanal papillae arranged as followed: two single papillae, three pairs of papillae, and two single papillae, and five pairs postanal papillae, the adanal papillae absents.
Anal shield irregular inverted pear-like shaped, length (114-116), width (63-66), bearing a pair of short adanal setae Ad (8-12) and one tiny postanal seta PA (6-8).
(11,12) Retrorectal cysts have also been described under various names including tailgut cysts, postanal intestinal cysts, mucus-secreting cysts, enterogenic cysts, simple cysts, myoepithelial hamartomas of the rectum, and retrorectal cystic hamartomas.
1), including a well-developed notochord, dorsal nerve cord, and postanal tail during their free-living tadpole larval stage.
Fistulotomy and drainage of deep postanal space abscess in the treatment of posterior horseshoe fistula.
El phylum Chordata esta representado por organismos deuterostomados, cuyas sinapomorfias mas evidentes son: presencia de notocorda, hendiduras faringeas, endostilo, epineuria (posicion dorsal del tubo neural) y una cola postanal (extension corporal posterior al ano) (Barrington, 1965; Florkin & Scheer, 1974; Gans & Bell, 2001).
Notably, just days prior to Astora's letter to its physician customers announcing the decision to discontinue all of its operations, the transobturator postanal sling system (TOPAS) for fecal incontinence, a product in the pipeline at Astora, received 3 unanimous 8-0 votes from an FDA device advisory panel on safety, efficacy, and benefit outweighing risk.
Larvae had 23-26 myomeres (mode: 25 myomeres), 7-12 preanal and 13-18 postanal; the myomere formula did not change with development.
(8) Several different terms have been used in the literature to describe these cysts ranging from tailgut cyst to retrorectal hamartoma, cyst of the postanal intestine, mucus-secreting cyst, retrorectal cyst and enterogenous cyst.
For individuals <30 mm in SVL, we were unable to positively distinguish the enlarged postanal scales Judd (1973) reported for hatchling males.
Although the retrorectal space does not technically include the more inferiorly located supralevator and deep postanal spaces, lesions occurring within these areas are still generally referred to as retrorectal or presacral neoplasms.