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Related to picrite: Oceanite, ankaramite


(Geological Science) a coarse-grained ultrabasic igneous rock consisting of olivine and augite with small amounts of plagioclase feldspar
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Their new article reports the discovery of primitive picrite lavas that may provide the first direct sample of a hot mantle plume underneath southern Africa in the Jurassic period.
The Little Minch Sill Complex became emplaced into Middle Jurassic sediments underlying the Skye Main Lava Series, although intrusive relationships suggest that it is marginally younger than the lavas (Gibson, 1990) Gibson and Jones (1991) have stated that is composed of both single and multiple sills, represented by three main, genetically related units: picrite, picrodolerite and crinanite (analcime-rich dolerite); these are the result of the differentiation of an alkali-olivine basalt magma in an upper-crustal magma chamber.
The PicRite Dashboard provides visibility throughout an entire supply
Composition and properties of the experimental soil specimen Property Value Particle-size distribution (%) Sand 19.3 Silt 62.4 Clay 18.3 Mineralogy (%) Chlorite ~58.5 Feldspar ~15.1 Mica ~12 Smectite ~4.4 Picrite ~3.7 Kaolinite ~3.6 Pinguite ~2.7 Initial pH (0.01 M Ca[Cl.sub.2] soln : soil 2.5: 1) 7.74 Cation exchange capacity (cmol/kg) 15.32 Total organic carbon (%) 2.26 Moisture content (m%) 2.37 EC (mS/cm) 6.2 Hydraulic conductivity ([10.sup.-5] cm/s) 8.33 Cd background in soil (mg/kg) 0.37 Pb background in soil (mg/kg) 19.53 Cd content in spiked soil (mg/kg) 100.63 Pb content in spiked soil (mg/kg) 100.44 Table 3.
At the Woodland facility a Vertex eFulfillment system controls four PicRite PTL subsystems, distributes orders from the WMS to the PTL system and tracks each reusable tote from order induction through picking.
After the Aptian--Albian event in the central Pacific, during the lapse Cenomanian--Turonian lapse has an apparently reappearance of the phenomenon, indicating like a special characteristic the presence of komatiites and picrite tuffs with a high MgO contents.
Version 1 .1B of the PicRite pick-to-light system for picking from flow rack, shelving and pallet locations includes enhanced productivity tracking and reporting features.
The retained heat also allowed very slow cooling, during which differentiation of the basaltic magma occurred, producing a layered intrusion composed of at least seven distinct rock types, with analcime dolerite (teschenite) and picrite forming the bulk of the intrusion.