

formal not valid; invalid
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Among them, 64 children were withdrawn for nonvalid urine sampling: 5 children have reported that the collection time was less than 20 hours or more than 28 hours; 36 children have abnormal creatinine values; 6 children have collected less than 300 ml of urine; and 5 children have reported that they missed more than 2 times of collection.
During the first-round, a total of 240 questionnaires were collected and 230 were considered valid (95.83%), from the 10 nonvalid questionnaires, 4 were incomplete, and 6 were completed by neurologists who attend less than 10 PD patients per year.
In the second example, a new possibility is given by the high-variance scan methods to analyse regression residuals: they lead to the rejection of homoscedasticity hypothesis and focus on the individuals for which the linear regression model seems to be nonvalid. Let me mention that, among others, another application possibility would be the analysis of meteorological time series such as annual rainfall records in a specific station.
The discussion focuses on several questions: First, is a contract able to serve as a source of a duty to act only if it is valid, or can a nonvalid contract serve as a source of such duty as well?
Due to the number of constraints to satisfy, a traditional crossover method will produce an offspring with a higher rate of nonvalid chromosomes.
If controls of camera parameters are limited, the suggestion is to employ an asynchronous FIFO buffer on the input video stream to store the incoming pixel data and to reduce the output clock speed such that blanking periods with nonvalid pixels are removed.
A total of 371 questionnaires were distributed to college/university students at optoelectronics-related departments, and 354 were retrieved (95.4%); after removing 16 nonvalid questionnaires, 338 were available for analysis (Table 2).
It can be shown that a valid solution to MIS is also a valid solution to MAX-PATHS problem and that a nonvalid solution to MIS is not a valid solution to MAX-PATHS.
Today, many networks (and honeypots) have tarpit functionality, which answers for any nonvalid connection attempt.
* At 6-11 months old, the nonvalid dose for travel or exposure should be given.