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(ˈmɒrəʊ; Spanish ˈmorro)
n, pl -ros (-rəʊz; Spanish -ros)
(Physical Geography) a rounded hill or promontory
[from Spanish]
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References in periodicals archive ?
Deste encontro, foi possivel realizar uma atividade no Cano Furado, Sao Goncalo, RJ, com plantas medicinais e uma atividade no Morro do Preventorio, Niteroi, RJ, com o grupo de apoio Maes do MTST, contexto que propomos discutir neste artigo.
14 March 2017 - US-based menswear retail company Morro Capital has acquired men's underwear brand Pistol Pete, the company said.
Sally's seaman friend Chief accepts a peculiar transport job from a shady character named Alphonse Morro. In a strange turn of events, Chief is wrongfully accused of murdering Morro and sent to prison for 25 years.
The world in pictures with Daily Post Head of Images Hadyn Iball | MEXICO: A turtle arrives to El Morro Ayuta beach to spawn, in San Pedro Huamelula, Oaxaca state, Mexico .
I think [Sebastian] Polter sees Morro coming in and leans into him and falls over.
The accident happened on a steep, curvy road in an area known as Morro do Deus me Livre.
To the north, you can see The Nine Sisters that form the volcanic ridgeline you're standing on, which runs all the way to Morro Rock.
The contract extensions include an extension on its 40MW Morro Bento power contract in Angola, taking its term into early 2016.