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splendid; joyous
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To him, you could sense, this was not a woeful, woeful day, but a glorious, frabjous day that would stand aye unrivalled in the calendar for sheer unparalleled joy: three dead bodies, masses of blood, plus he himself got to play an important part in the unraveling of the mystery.
If "Alice" in Wonderland had a "Frabjous Day," I had a "Luvley Day" recently at Hamleys' marvelous makeover workshop at Bonifacio Global City in Taguig.
Next on the menu was, to use the word reintroduced into the lexicon thanks to Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland , a frabjous quartet: Tofu Nimono -- a gentle stew that will make you insist on having more of it; Rs 475.
Thus, our students, like happy lambs grazing the clover of this rich variety of course offerings, will come away, we hope, with an affective understanding of the arts and literature, critical and analytic skills, and, "o frabjous day, callooh callay," a social conscience.