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Related to follies: Ziegfeld Follies


n. pl. fol·lies
1. Lack of good sense, understanding, or foresight: an act of folly
a. An act or instance of foolishness: regretted the follies of his youth.
b. A costly undertaking having an absurd or ruinous outcome.
3. follies(used with a sing. or pl. verb) An elaborate theatrical revue consisting of music, dance, and skits.
4. A structure, such as a pavilion in a garden, that is chiefly decorative rather than practical in purpose.

[Middle English folie, from Old French, from fol, foolish, from Late Latin follis, windbag, fool; see fool.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.follies - a revue with elaborate costuming
revue, review - a variety show with topical sketches and songs and dancing and comedians
Ziegfeld Follies - a series of extravagant revues produced by Flo Ziegfeld
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
I have committed follies, gentlemen,' said Uriah, looking round with a meek smile, 'and I ought to bear the consequences without repining.' A murmur, partly of gratification at Twenty Seven's celestial state of mind, and partly of indignation against the Contractor who had given him any cause of complaint (a note of which was immediately made by Mr.
It may be profitable to that gentleman to know, sir, that I attribute my past follies, entirely to having lived a thoughtless life in the service of young men; and to having allowed myself to be led by them into weaknesses, which I had not the strength to resist.
'Before I come here,' said Uriah, stealing a look at us, as if he would have blighted the outer world to which we belonged, if he could, 'I was given to follies; but now I am sensible of my follies.
'You knew me when, in spite of my follies, I was umble among them that was proud, and meek among them that was violent - you was violent to me yourself, Mr.
When I think of my past follies, and my present state, I am sure it would be best for you.
"Yes, but calumny seized upon all those follies in which I took no part, as you well know, my Lord.
Outdoor Theatre Events at Hawkstone Park Follies Chapterhouse Theatre Company is bringing two live theatre events to Hawkstone Park Follies' idyllic rural landscape.
Looking to demonstrate that talent has no age limit, auditions will be held for Schaumburg's annual Senior Follies variety show on Thursday, April 4 at 2 pm and 7 pm.
If everyone went round building 'follies' in and around Huddersfield would the council sit back and do nothing?
All Sondheim fans will be singing of how they are still here when Thoc screens a performance of Follies from the National Theatre on Tuesday.
Looking back on old times A National Theatre production of Stephen Sondheim's musical 'Follies' will be screened at Theatr Colwyn, Colwyn Bay, this month.
THEATRE NT Live: Follies Live stream of Follies from the National Theatre.