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On this world humanitarian day let us all of us recommit to doing all that we can to provide all South Sudanese with a better future, a better future and the future that is fill with hope and not dispend much too often indifference amongst those in power lets to many people without hope."
UNICEF wasn't able to build 500 new classrooms because of the Israeli severe restrictions on importing construction material through border crossings, which forces students in Gaza to study in cramped school rooms, cut the class time by third and dispend classroom activities, she added.
In the reviewed articles it is evident that the decline with age is related to the reduction of the working memory capacity, in this way, the older the individual, both the listener and the hearing-impaired individual, the lower their working memory capacity, and consequently the higher will be the listening effort dispended on speech comprehension tasks [25-29].
The sacked judges said members of judiciary dispended justice to the people but ironically, they're denied justice.
Before using the antimicrobial disks, they were kept at room temperature for one hour and then dispended on the surface of media.
This book should be dispended to the lay individual and those who have a novice understanding of the functional duties that challenge a correctional officer.
A 6 ml of phosphate buffer was added in 20 ml of urease enzyme and both were dispended in wells.
The PBA has further recommended that unnecessary disclosures of customer information under Income Tax Ordinance 2001, sections 165 and 165 A, should be avoided and requirements under these two sections be dispended with and law amended.
As long as the aspect ratio of the fiber is less than 50, the fibers may be dispended directly without any risk of balling.
This is to provide the initial fluid that helps ensure the retrieved oocytes are within the fluid dispended from the syringe.