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Candida albicans gene encoding resistance to benomyl and methotrexate is a multidrug resistance gene.
The findings suggest higher prevalence of hypothyroidism in male private pesticide applicators exposed to the chlorophenoxy herbicides and some organochlorine and organophosphate insecticides, and higher prevalence of hypothyroidism in their female spouses who reported ever-use of the fungicides maneb/mancozeb and benomyl. Both prevalent and incident hypothyroidism cases were included but not distinguished in the prior analyses, so limited inference could be made regarding temporality of exposures and outcomes.
Keeping in view importance of sorption studies of pesticides, the present study focuses on adsorption desorption characteristics of benzimidazole based fungicide Benomyl on selected agricultural soils of Pakistan.
Bulbs were cooled at 4 AdegC for 10 weeks (before application of treatments) and to prevent from fungal diseases, the tulip bulbs were disinfected with Benomyl fungicide 3 g L-1 for 25 min and were exposed to air 70 min.
Application of fungicides such as Benomyl, Mancozeb, Metiram, Propineb, Thiabendazole, and Prochloraz has been used for disease management in South Africa, New Zealand, and Australia [21, 22].
Some insecticides which need to be within the FSSAI parameters for various dry fruits and nuts like walnuts and almonds include bromide, carbendazim, benomyl and chlorobenzilate.
Effects of the fungicides benomyl, captan and chlorothalonil on soil microbial activity and nitrogen dynamics in laboratory incubations.
four systemic fungicides namely Benomyl, Carbendazim, Thiophanate methyl and Carbendazim 25% + Mancozeb 50% were tested against colony growth of F.
After three days, the fruit with lesions was removed from the ground and washed in tap water, proceeding to the isolation on PDA medium (potato dextrose agar), supplemented with Nystatin, PCNB (pentachloronitrobenzene), carbendazin (replacing the benomyl), rifampicin and ampicillin (MASAGO et al., 1977).