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(Non-European Myth & Legend) a large legendary manlike or apelike creature, alleged to inhabit the Australian outback
[C21: from an Aboriginal word yuwi]
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References in periodicals archive ?
Fay is still "stoked" with having captured the Australian yowie sound on tape.
And producers believe they spotted a mysterious Australian YETI - called a Yowie - lurking in the bush.
In Nepal he's a Yeti, in Peru; Duende, in Japan; Higabon, in Australia a Yowie and here in Wales Brenin Llwyd (Grey King).
The debate was, however, marked by the confusion of the yahoo with the supposed yowie, notably by Colin Groves, 'The Yahoo, the Yowie and Reports of Australian Hairy Bipeds', Cryptozoology, vol.
RPC Containers Blackburn, Haslingden Road, Guide, Blackburn, Lancs, tel:0125 468 2298, are supplying custom-moulded 485m1 PET jars for the launch of Cadbury Land Yowie Hot Chocolate by Premier International Foods.
She said the new Cadbury product - the Yowie - was just as exciting for children but safe.