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(zɪst) ,




1. (Architecture) a long portico, esp one used in ancient Greece for athletics
2. (Architecture) (in ancient Rome) a covered garden walk or one lined with trees
[C17: from Latin xystus, from Greek xustos, literally: smoothed, polished (area), from xuein to scrape, make smooth]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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(ChD) STU xystus in ancient Greece, a covered portico used by athletes for their exercises.
Eventually the young Lawrence went to Caesaraugusta (today Zaragoza, Spain) to study with a renowned Greek Christian teacher named Xystus (in Latin, Sixtus).
Books say Sixtus comes from a Greek name Xystus, meaning "polished", and should not be confused with Sextus, Latin for sixth.
Bongabon, Nueva Ecija -- In the interest of onion farmers, Mayor Allan Xystus Gamilla of this town has urged the Department of Agriculture (DA) to call a summit on the forthcoming integration of the member-economies of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).
Asiya Hong Kong is managed by its two executive directors, Sulaiman Alireza and Dan Xystus.
Asiya Investments Hong Kong is managed by its two executive directors, Sulaiman Alireza and Dan Xystus.
El uso del termino xystus en las primeras lineas del dialogo --"Estando ocioso en mi casa, paseandome por el portico, vinieron a mi, segun su costumbre, Marco Bruto y Tito Pomponio, grandes amigos entre si" (Cic.
KCIC Principal for Investments, Dan Xystus said, "We have spent the last three years laying the foundation for this launch and are very excited about the prospects of this fund based on growing demand for Asia focused investment opportunities that are liquid and appropriately hedged against severe market downturns."
Internal house gardens were complemented by external vineyards, fruit, vegetable and flower gardens (horti rustici), as well as extensive farming areas and a walk planted with trees (xystus), with benches for sitting, water features, statuettes and shrines to placate the gods responsible for good crops (Paoli 1944:101-108; Farrar 1998:15-21).
A Treatise on Money Changing; (L.) Thomas de Vio Cajetan, Cardinal of Saint Xystus, to the Venerable Father, Friar Andrew of Brixia, and Prior of Brixia, a Preface on a Treatise on Money Changing; and (V.) A Treatise on Money Changing Divided into Eight Chapters, to the Lord Andrew of Brixia, Prior of Brixia.
The Crosland Moor-based side of Tim Dyson, Russell Senior and Stuart Sykes defeated Xystus, from Halifax, 5-3.