References in classic literature ?
The reference is no doubt to the Wistaria frutescens.
Betts in the cottage with the wistaria next the blacksmith's?
I was raised on Hawthorn Road and Roger actually lived on Beech Street, which I believe is now Wistaria Road, and his mum and mine were good friends.
Kobus, five varieties of Wistaria', Acer polymorphum [A.
These include the short story "The Giant Wistaria" and the unpublished play "In the Name of the King!
I might have been if David Cameron had come over all righteous anger BEFORE he trousered the money to cut back his wistaria, but not afterwards.
Diverting the focus of attention to Faulkner's aesthetic devices, I contend that from the 'wistaria vine' on the very first page, beyond Rosa's 'eternal black' (AA 7) (13), and 'impotent and static rage' (7), and all the way up to 'the wistaria Mississippi summer', on the very last pages, beyond the smoke and fire of Sutpen's collapsing house, loss in this novel is dressed in an abundance of elegiac properties, and that it is in these where the latent affirmative aspect beyond Faulkner's decomposing structure and seemingly dark message lies.
The 42-year-old Wistaria four-time race winner in similar winds placed her 2007 prospects in damage control when she was flattened washing the masthead wind gear during a frightening broach as skipper Scott Patrick relentlessly chased Saltash II.
At Wistaria Lodge, a residential unit for young people in Earlsdon Avenue South, manager Dave Saunders gratefully accepted 20 Easter eggs.