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ut·ter 1

tr.v. ut·tered, ut·ter·ing, ut·ters
1. To send forth with the voice: uttered a cry.
2. To articulate (words); pronounce or speak: uttered "yes."
3. Law To put (counterfeit currency or a forged check or instrument) into circulation: utter a bad check.
4. Obsolete To offer (merchandise) for sale; sell.

[Middle English utteren, partly from Middle Low German uteren (from uter, outer, comparative of ūt, out; see ud- in Indo-European roots) and alteration (influenced by utter, outer) of Middle English outen, to disclose (from out, out; see out).]

ut′ter·a·ble adj.
ut′ter·er n.

ut·ter 2

Complete; absolute; entire: utter nonsense; utter darkness.

[Middle English, from Old English ūtera, outer; see ud- in Indo-European roots.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.uttered - communicated in wordsuttered - communicated in words; "frequently uttered sentiments"
spoken - uttered through the medium of speech or characterized by speech; sometimes used in combination; "a spoken message"; "the spoken language"; "a soft-spoken person"; "sharp-spoken"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


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The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
She uttered some words in a loud voice, and the youth joined her, who also expressed surprise.
'Well, my boy,' I exclaimed, after the expiration of several minutes, during which time my companion had not uttered a word,
Then the tunnel will be discovered; the men who cast me into the sea and who must have heard the cry I uttered, will be questioned.
'Adieu,' that word, which is her only language, she seldom uttered at that time.
"Not a line, not a thought that he uttered. The daily press?
When the reading of the report was over, people moved about, and Levin met Sviazhsky, who invited him very pressingly to come that evening to a meeting of the Society of Agriculture, where a celebrated lecture was to be delivered, and Stepan Arkadyevitch, who had only just come from the races, and many other acquaintances; and Levin heard and uttered various criticisms on the meeting, on the new fantasia, and on a public trial.
When the gentle Lady Arbella departed this life I uttered a groan.
Incapable of mastering his emotion, he arose, and tearing himself violently from the chamber where he had just found dead him to whom he came to report the news of the death of Porthos, he uttered sobs so heart-rending that the servants, who seemed only to wait for an explosion of grief, answered to it by their lugubrious clamors, and the dogs of the late comte by their lamentable howlings.
He feebly moved his leg and uttered a weak, sickly groan which aroused his own pity.
"Do you think she would turn to look at me, or value any word I ever uttered to her again at more than a dirty feather?--Explain!
He stopped short as he recognised her, dropped his eyeglass, and uttered a little exclamation of pleasure.
But a greater grief than the loss of the launch could have engendered in me, filled my heart--a sullen, gnawing misery which I tried to deny--which I refused to admit--but which persisted in obsessing me until my heart rose and filled my throat, and I could not speak when I would have uttered words of reassurance to my companions.