

not able to be recovered
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Mr Adlard added: "There are many surgeons who, once they'd seen that level of injury, would think it was unsalvageable."
Continue reading "The Democratic Party Is Becoming Unsalvageable" at...
Relationship with James Harden deemed "unsalvageable": a pic.
It is a hard-won, elegiac truth about an unsalvageable past, this Sebaldian secondhand memory, the eventual recognition that he cannot step into the same river twice, which he presages at the very beginning of his narrative: "Although we tried, each in our own way, no one was able to go back even one step." Wisdom in hindsight is, after all, one of maturity's age-old graces.
"Had the recast board not acted decisively in curtailing professional costs in April 2018 and, more importantly, bridged the disconnect between our relationship banks and our equity providers, these costs alone could have rendered the business unsalvageable," Whiley said.
While they believe the situation is not completely unsalvageable, they feel much needs to be done to get to the ideal.
In extreme cases, the keys would pop out of the laptop, stop working, and be completely unsalvageable. After a few years of the repeated complaints and legal cases against Apple, the company has given out free service for the affected MacBooks and has continued to do so up until this 2019.
to collapse in October, leaving the building unsalvageable.
Farage once headed the anti-EU United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) but he recently said it was "unsalvageable" in its current state.
Although a club-record move for top target Miguel Almiron has quite not collapsed to the point of being unsalvageable just yet,Newcastleand Atlanta United are more than [pounds sterling]7million apart in their valuation of the Paraguayan playmaker - and the Magpies have given no indication that they are willing to up their [pounds sterling]16m initial bid.
When asked about the future of the United Kingdom Independence Party which he once led, he said it was "unsalvageable" so he would need a different "vehicle."
The mechanic informed us the tyre didn't look too bad, but as we didn't have a spare - and using our tyre repair kit would make the tyre completely unsalvageable - it would be easier, and safer, to take us home.