

not rusted
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Weathered steel arrives unrusted and develops a rust-like appearance once exposed to the elements for a period of time.
from the spiritual world--nay, admitting them certainly--& preserving faithfully & tenderly her womanly nature unrusted in the iron which sheathes it" (BC, 5:173).
It is from this treasure that Tom chooses daggers for the hobbits (described above), and we are told that "Whether by some virtue in these sheaths or because of the spell that lay on the mound, the blades seemed untouched by time, unrusted, sharp, glittering in the sun" (I.viii.157).
Objects found on the site included a wooden box containing a small transit (with spare parts and tools), an unopened tin of food, an enameled metal cup and plate, a small compass, a heavy canister with cork stopper probably intended to hold fuel or spirits (about two gallons in capacity and galvanized, or at least unrusted), and a small pile of rock samples.
Later, an unrusted gun without fingerprints was found under a bridge crossed by the defendant during the pursuit.
These must be intact, removable, and replaceable--which means plates must be unrusted and stove bolt holes sound.
One of the quirks of grape juice acid is that it will easily dissolve rust, but not shiny, unrusted steel!