

obsolete impure
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Thus, anything unpure, dirty and bad can never be love.
AIR pollution, unpure water and vitamin D deficiency are all included in a shortlist of environmental risk factors for dementia.
He suggests that Nazis in Germany and apartheid supporters in South Africa were both driven to separate the 'pure from the unpure', and this motivated their nativist beliefs about the inherent goodness of native species.
Among them, the balance sheet structure should contain neither too many liquid assets nor debt, and the company should not engage in Haram, (forbidden) industries such as alcohol, tobacco, gambling as well as specific foods considered non- Halal, or unpure. Advisers who are considered experts in Islamic law are integral to the investment selection and review process.
Among them, the balance sheet structure should contain neither too many liquid assets nor debt, and the company should not engage in Haram, (forbidden) industries such as alcohol, tobacco, gambling as well as specific foods considered non-Halal, or unpure. Advisers who are considered experts in Islamic law are integral to the investment selection and review process.
This system had influenced of economical condition and internal unpure production and many other variables.
Arguing that Gothic represents a nationalist sense of the unpure, he states:
The throbbing sense of energy of single Anxiety is a promising torchbearer for an album that draws in unsettling vibrancy, morose dejection and unpure white noise.
As evidence, they cite the attacks on religious leaders and Muslims engaged in such unpure activities as casino ownership, jihadist Web sites, and development of networks of radical "jamaats." While the first Chechen war concerned separatism, the second is generally believed to have assumed a broader jihadist goal.
But by the looks of things, the Purple Rain star was having some very unpure thoughts indeed...
the midst of unpure things, sothe Supreme Self can never be tainted even though it dwells in every creature.