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tr.v. un·picked, un·pick·ing, un·picks
To undo (sewing) by removing stitches: unpick a seam.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Knitting & Sewing) (of knitting, sewing, etc) having been unravelled or picked out
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
She noticed the Oriental Cashmere Robe lying half made, and half unpicked again, on the table; she noticed the imbecile foot of Mrs.
Meanwhile, phutti (seed-cotton) supplies are fast dwindling and the third and last picking is almost at its fag-end because very little unpicked cotton is left in the fields.
The Cherries' stifling tactics didn't work as Liverpool unpicked their banked-up defences.
THERESA May's plan to renegotiate Britain's Brexit Withdrawal Agreement has met a wall of resistance from the EU, with the continent's most senior politicians and officials lining up to insist the deal cannot be unpicked.
It is mildly amusing and Rhino's social infractions are unpicked with a granularity that should really help to make clear to the young and inexperienced what constitute transgressions from the (culturally specific) socially acceptable.
Profs John Hardy, Bart De Strooper, Michel Goedert, based in the UK, and Prof Christian Haass, from Germany, unpicked key protein changes that lead to this most common type of dementia.
Stitch unpicked unit 1 square to end of unit 2 to make side pieced border.
Summary: The replacement player can be selected from the list of unpicked players at the draft
Now, after 43 years of the tangled web of untruths and deception from politicians of all colours, we find that all remaining EU laws have to be adopted into British law and then probably, over another 40 years, carefully unpicked to suit what is best for us.
Carried away by wishful thinking some fans unpicked the message as: "Harry Returns!
They painstakingly unpicked the financial records of Stirton and Anderson - including company accounts, tax returns, business deals, invoices and mortgages.
Their successes and failures will be interrogated, business strategies discussed, and their business brains unpicked, all so we can see just what it actually takes to make it to the top - and of course finally put pen to paper and start up our own plans for world domination.