

1. (of liquid, juice etc) not drunk
2. slang not intoxicated from drinking alcohol
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Mitchell and Webb's then flatmate Ellis Sareen, now a 44-year-old barrister, said: "It was impossible to go to bed if there was any alcohol in the flat still undrunk. Collie was always around.
Mitchell and Webb's then flatmate Ellis Sareen, now a 44-year-old A-barrister, said: "It was impossible to go to bed if there was any alcohol in the flat still undrunk. Collie was always around.
Seb, 45, grew up on his parent's egg farm in Brittany where, each autumn, undrunk cider was distilled into Calvados, or "eau de vie".
Process engineer Martin used to brew his own stout but, as it increasingly went undrunk, he switched to gin, and started producing Rock Rose in 2014.
there will be no need for anyone to pour an undrunk "half-full
When I came home from school that day, there was Nain, sat at the table, a cold cup of tea undrunk in her hands, and her eyes staring straight ahead.
The tool box and garden gloves, the case of undrunk wine,
Well, this guy's disgrace, when he realised what he had done, was such that he left his beer undrunk, and did not return to Jaware the next day, or the next, or the next.
Sadly, only disappointment and undrunk Grey Goose lay at the end of it all - just days before his scheduled appearance, he was forced to cancel.
Cups of coffee were left undrunk while the parishioners in the church of style focused on the preacher, smiling or nudging each other when they agreed with something he said.
It's not simply a matter of the casks rolling in and the punters rolling home at the end of the evening - it's the difference between beers running out at the end of the final night or organisers being left with undrunk stale beer and a negative bank balance.
The Culture Ministry has blacked out such phrases as "holding hands," "going somewhere where we can be alone" and "left nothing of the wine undrunk."