

not caught or captured
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The House of Lords EU Energy and Environment Sub-committee heard evidence that the rule could mean fishermen hitting their annual quotas much earlier in the year, with an estimated PS165m worth of fish remaining uncaught in 2019 as a result.
They have ruined many innocent lives yet managed to remain uncaught because most victims and their families did not report against them for fear of dishonour, said Dharejo.
The result was runners on second and third--having advanced as with any uncaught fair ball--with two outs.
That is how they eat long and live long unnoticed, uncaught. They eat safely and promise a tomorrow of continuous fumigation of the inner recesses of the kitchen.
Rhetorical excursion, swerving away from the topic at hand and allowing it to drop uncaught, is a signature Maxwell move.
A similar submersible-based study suggested dredge-induced damage and mortality for uncaught scallops was less than 5% on sandy substrate in the mid-Atlantic (Murawski & Serchuk 1989).
[NEFSC.sup.2] assumes 12% incidental mortality, but this assumption is based on very little data and primarily on the outcome for market-size clams (Meyer et al., 1981), few of which remain uncaught with modern high-performance hydraulic dredges (Hennen et al., 2012; [NEFSC.sup.2]).
His hack involves a piece of JavaScript that reroutes uncaught exceptions to a local node JavaScript web server.
A wordless story featuring a little sailing boat as Cat casts out his line to catch a fish in a busy, healthy ocean, but when a big, smoking trawler casts its mighty net, no fish is left uncaught. Cat manages to help the fish and return the ocean to its busy self again.
Aught of real perfection, or the solution of any deep problem, or any completed statement of the moral, the true, the beautiful, eludes the greatest, deftest poet--flies away like an always uncaught bird." (7) The fiction-writer, presumably, is left even more birdless.
After the imprisonment of the Lebanese officials, the Lebanese MPs reunited at the residence of the speaker of parliament, Sabri Hamade, and assigned the two uncaught ministers Emir Majid Arslan and Habib Abou Chahla to carry out the functions of the government.
The scrambler bike yobs remained uncaught yesterday, despite a high-speed pursuit by police as the gang headed towards Liverpool following the incident.