References in periodicals archive ?
Many fly species use animal carcasses and human corpses to obtain protein for ovarian development, growth unadult forms or as a mating site [2;3;4;5;6].
This kind of creative, unadult erated interaction has of course been the fulcrum of Saturday Market since a ragtag group of 27 artists set up booths in 1970 in the alley behind the Downtown Athletic Club, to the dismay of downtown merchants who "were not really thrilled about having all these hippies camped out on their doorsteps," said Kim Still, the market's promotions manager.
This attraction shamed him even before his pedigreed liberal-arts education taught him words like "fetishize" and "objectify," shamed him when he was only an uncomplicated, unadult, white midwestern high schooler gawking at the black girls as they stepped off the bus.