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(Computer Science) computing a device consisting of a flat pad upon which the finger can be moved to move the cursor around the screen
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈtrækˌpæd) ,
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


[ˈtrækpæd] npavé m tactiletrack record [ˌtrækˈrɛkɔːrd] nrésultats mpl
His track record in this field is pretty poor → Ses résultats dans ce domaine sont assez mauvais.
to have a good track record → avoir fait ses preuvestrack shoes nplpointesfplchaussures fpl de course
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
References in periodicals archive ?
A new Apple patent shows technology that could potentially be used in the new MacBook as its trackpad. Apparently, this new customizable trackpad would be illuminated and provide the user access to many commands.
Underneath the keyboard is an off-center trackpad. In a conversation with Frank Azor, Co-Founder and Vice President of Alienware, we learnt that the company has aligned the trackpad to be center-aligned with respect to the G & H keys, instead of being center aligned to the keyboard in general.
The Force Touch trackpad is 20% larger, and it supports multitouch gestures like pinch and zoom.
It just has to figure out finger-first experience for a generation raised on doing work with a mouse and trackpad.
The most affordable Retina-display Mac ever also includes an Apple-designed keyboard, a spacious Force Touch trackpad, faster SSDs, wide stereo sound, the Apple T2 Security Chip and Thunderbolt 3, making the new MacBook Air the perfect notebook to take with you everywhere you go.
Below the display sits an RGB-backlit mechanical keyboard, with a trackpad on the side, which can switch to a numpad if the situation demands.
ASUS' new laptop has done away with the traditional trackpad and replaced it with a multi-functional touchscreen display.
The information and entertainment dashboard is fired by a trackpad interface.
At its Lenovo Transform event in New York, Lenovo revealed one of its possible future experiments, a laptop that can be folded, rolled, and bended, and doesn't have a trackpad. Lenovo calls it the "Future of Personalized Computing".
The controls consist of a trackpad on the left and a simple button to shoot on the right side of the screen.
Its fantastically light 920g design and smaller footprint made it more svelte than the Macbook Air, while also boasting a much sharper display with more pixels, plus a backlit keyboard with a pressure-sensitive Force Touch trackpad.
The all-new Magic Keyboard, Magic Mouse 2 and Magic Trackpad 2 are more comfortable, capable and environmentally friendly.