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an aeroplane that tows gliders
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At the time, other witnesses noticed a towplane and glider departing the intersecting runway.
Motorgliders address this by allowing a self-launch with the engine, meaning there's no delay waiting for a winch or towplane and you can fly some distance to find decent green air for soaring.
Cessna T-41D, Super Cub towplane, Cessna C-150, TG-3 cross-country sailplane, Stemme S-10 motorized glider, TG-4 glider, TG-7A motorized glider, TG-9 aerobatic glider, TG-10B basic glider, TG-10C aerobatic glider, TG-10D cross-country glider, TG-14 motorized glider, Cessna 172, Cessna T-41C, UV-18 jump plane, Diamond Katana introductory flight training aircraft
The tow pilot subsequently stated that, with the towplane at about 40 feet agl and the glider airborne, the glider assumed a severe pitch-up attitude.
Cessna T-41D, Super Cub towplane, Cessna C-150, TG-3 cross-country sailplane, Stemme 5-10 motorized glider, TG-4 glider, TG-7A motorized glider, TG-9 acrobatic glider, TG-10B basic glider, TG-10C aerobatic glider, TG-10D cross-country glider, TG-14 motorized glider, Cessna 172, Cessna T-41C, UV-18 jump plane, Diamond Katana introductory flight training aircraft
Cessna T-41D, Super Cub towplane, Cessna C-150, TG-3 cross-country sailplane, Stemme S-10 motorized glider, TG-7A motorized glider, TG-9 aerobatic glider, TG-4 glider, Cessna 172, Cessna T-41C, UV-18 jump plane
Cessna T-41D, Super Cup towplane, Cessna C-150, TG-3 cross-country sailplane, Stemme S-10 motorized glider, TG-7A motorized glider, TG-9 aerobatic glider, TG-4 glider, Cessna 172, Cessna T-41C, UV-18 jump plane
Although hundreds of towplanes and gliders were taking a direct route across the Channel shortly after midnight, for some reason Fairbairn's squadron approached the enemy coast via the North Sea.