
Related to subpolar: Subpolar climate


of or relating to the areas south of the Arctic and north of the Antarctic
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'Reframing the carbon cycle of the subpolar Southern Ocean' is published in the journal Science Advances on August 28, 2019.
UK researchers and innovators will work with counterparts across the planet to tackle global challenges such as Ebola outbreaks, the impact of subpolar ocean currents on global climate, and the effect of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on society and individuals' happiness and wellbeing following a major funding announcement.
The marine icicles that form on coastal constructions (e.g., piers and railings) are very common in polar and subpolar areas.
Materials of the II International conference 'Role of subpolar universities in the development of North territories'.
In each case the missile successfully hit its target, confirming in particular the smooth operation of the system's image processing algorithms under typical winter and subpolar conditions (snowy background).
There is probably a confluence of species with tropical and subpolar affinity in subtropical regions, which would result in an increase in local specific richness, whereas in a tropical environment such as Malpelo Island we would only expect species with tropical affinity.
Regioes Latitudinais Classes de Latitude Polar 90[degrees] 00'-67[degrees] 22' Subpolar 67[degrees] 22'-64[degrees] 45' Boreal 64[degrees] 45'-56[degrees] 30' Temperada frio 56[degrees] 30'-42[degrees] 00' Temperada 42[degrees] 00'-27[degrees] 30' Subtropical 27[degrees] 30'-13[degrees] 00' Tropical 13[degrees] 00'-00[degrees] 00' FONTE: Holdridge (2000), adaptado por Soares, Batista e Tetto (2015).
Crabs, such as stone crabs and lithodids, are economically valuable fishery resources from Polar and Subpolar regions (Calcagno et al., 2005; Lovrich & Tapella, 2014).
Dyurgerov, "Mountain and subpolar glaciers show an increase in sensitivity to climate warming and intensification of the water cycle," Journal of Hydrology, vol.
The Irminger Array was specifically designed to integrate with another large monitoring effort recently undertaken by institutions in the U.S., U.K., and Europe: the Overturning in the Subpolar North Atlantic Program (OSNAP).
Others, like the Crozets, where they spend almost two years, are subpolar and more extreme and inhospitable.