References in classic literature ?
When he reached Kiev he sent for all his stewards to the head office and explained to them his intentions and wishes.
Everywhere he saw the stewards' accounts, according to which the serfs' manorial labor had been diminished, and heard the touching thanks of deputations of serfs in their full-skirted blue coats.
Then she gave him to my steward, and told him to look after a calf she had bought.
To celebrate it I ordered my steward to bring me a very fat cow to sacrifice.
The steward struggled violently for his liberty again, with an evident intention of making battle on those who stood nearest to him; but the key was already turned, and all his efforts were vain.
“Not a bit—not a bit,” cried the steward; “I’m none of your fair- weather chaps, Master Bump-ho, as sails only in smooth water.
As the steward had said, the notary awaited him in the small salon.
When he came downstairs he saw the Steward standing near the pantry door-- a great, fat man, with a huge bundle of keys hanging to his girdle.
Meantime the Chief Steward had returned to the throne room, where he said to the King:
Every one kept away from him, even his Chief Steward Kaliko.
"Me give 'm five stick," the six-quart steward bargained.
He insisted upon eating the Sheriff's best bread and drinking his best wine, so that the steward waxed wroth.