References in classic literature ?
Of course, they could squirm as they perished, as the socialists squirmed, as the speaker on the platform and the perspiring crowd were squirming even now as they counselled together for some new device with which to minimize the penalties of living and outwit the Cosmos.
I remembered having seen tricksters writhe and squirm out of ropes with which they were bound, but though I writhed and squirmed like a good fellow, the knots remained as hard as ever, and there was no appreciable slack.
I failed to recognize him, but before I could speak I trod upon something that was alive and that squirmed under my foot.
Still Jerry was not satisfied, and he squirmed around until he lay in the hollow of Skipper's arm, his head resting on Skipper's shoulder, when, with a profound sigh of content, he fell asleep.
One morning he saw Teeka squatted upon a low branch hugging something very close to her hairy breast-- a wee something which squirmed and wriggled.
Philip, feeling shy and uncomfortable, squirmed under his touch.
They lurked for me in the forest glades; leaped up, striking, under my feet; squirmed off through the dry grass or across naked patches of rock; or pursued me into the tree-tops, encircling the trunks with their great shining bodies, driving me higher and higher or farther and farther out on swaying and crackling branches, the ground a dizzy distance beneath me.
Siebenhandl denied Schone's meek effort low to his left but the ball squirmed back out for the 32-year-old to tuck home at the second attempt.
Gwyn squirmed under the pressure, lying in bed, sweating.
The next try came after 22 minutes when the ball was passed to the right wing and following a huge tackle, the ball squirmed back and fly-half Sion Pringle was quick enough to gather possession and dive over the prostate bodies to claim the score.
Mark Smith Tell him to crawl back under the rock he squirmed out from.
The only goal of the game came from Michael Blount whose scuffed free-kick squirmed under the body of United keeper James Brassington.