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spit 1

1. Saliva, especially when expectorated; spittle.
2. The act of expectorating.
3. Something, such as the frothy secretion of spittle bugs, that resembles spit.
4. A brief, scattered rainfall or snowfall.
5. Informal The perfect likeness: He's the spit and image of his father.
v. spat (spăt) or spit, spit·ting, spits
1. To eject from the mouth: spat out the grape seeds.
2. To eject as if from the mouth: a fire spitting sparks.
3. To emit suddenly and forcefully: spat out an insult.
1. To eject matter from the mouth; expectorate.
2. To express contempt or animosity, especially by ejecting matter from the mouth.
3. To make a hissing or sputtering noise: french fries spitting in the pan.
4. To rain or snow in light, scattered drops or flakes.
Phrasal Verb:
spit up
To vomit. Used especially of a baby.

[Middle English, from spitten, to spit, from Old English spittan, ultimately of imitative origin.]

spit 2

1. A slender, pointed rod on which meat is impaled for roasting.
2. A narrow point of land extending into a body of water.
tr.v. spit·ted, spit·ting, spits
To impale on or as if on a spit.

[Middle English, from Old English spitu.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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she would have scorned to do it, if she had been spitted on the horns of a mad cow.
Accordingly, as the sun went down, the little party came to a halt, made a large fire, spitted their buffalo meat on wooden sticks, and, when sufficiently roasted, planted the savory viands before them; cutting off huge slices with their hunting knives, and supping with a hunter's appetite.
"Well, monsieur, my Menneville spitted the joker, to the great astonishment of the spectators, and said to the cook: -- `Take this goose, my friend, it is fatter than your fowl.' That is the way, monsieur," ended the abbe, triumphantly, "in which I spend my revenues; I maintain the honor of the family, monsieur." Fouquet hung his head.
I have heard the forest moan like mortal men in their affliction; often, and again, have I listened to the wind playing its music in the branches of the girdled trees; and I have heard the lightning cracking in the air like the snapping of blazing brush as it spitted forth sparks and forked flames; but never have I thought that I heard more than the pleasure of him who sported with the things of his hand.
They said Kelso got some rascally adventurer, some Belgian brute, to insult his son-in-law in public--paid him, sir, to do it, paid him-- and that the fellow spitted his man as if he had been a pigeon.
He singed them, cut them up, and spitted them; when the meat was cooked he brought it all in and set it before Ulysses, hot and still on the spit, whereon Ulysses sprinkled it over with white barley meal.
He was a very valiant man, but at the battle of Brignais he was spitted through the body by a Hainault man-at-arms.
D'Artagnan immediately made a step backward and raised his sword; but Bernajoux cried out that it was nothing, and rushing blindly upon him, absolutely spitted himself upon D'Artagnan's sword.
These they burned upon the split logs of firewood, but they spitted the inward meats, and held them in the flames to cook.
But destroying it would be a crime against God and Art, and may I be spitted on the vane of St.
During three days of violent protests, central leadership of TLP vociferously spitted venom against the judges of top court and military chief.
Attempting to find the make sure the person spitted in the water was okay, Northumbria Police issued a message that said: "Were you swimming in the water at King Edward's Bay, Tynemouth at around 6.35am today?