References in classic literature ?
Only short months before this head had been alive, he pondered, quick with wit, attached to a two-legged body that stood erect and that swaggered about, a loincloth and a belted automatic around its middle, more powerful, therefrom, than Bashti, but with less wit, for had not he, Bashti, with an ancient pistol, put darkness inside that skull where wit resided, and removed that skull from the soddenly relaxed framework of flesh and bone on which it had been supported to tread the earth and the deck of the Arangi?
Kim had reeled to a room with a cot in it, and was dozing soddenly. The lama had forbidden him to set blankets or get food.
Ne neuer so soddenly sozt vnsoundely to weng, As for fyl[THORN]e of [THORN]e flesch [THORN]at foles han vsed.
Circumstances force the two women into a sometimes embarrassing intimacy -- especially when Hillary surprises her in the unlocked loo of her chartered plane -- but, as interview requests are consistently rebuffed, Chozick moans: "She really, really hates me." Her editor reminds Chozick that, for a journalist, the alternative to being hated is being irrelevant -- wise advice, but it leaves her even more soddenly disconsolate.
Few things suck more than being soddenly wet and chilled for days on end.