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a sudden rebound or change in direction
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"We are raising estimates slightly and maintain an upward bias based on a snapback in reliability, strong enterprise traction, and a new shared channel offering that could spark strong growth in the second half," Bracelin wrote.
Tony Labrusca adds another feather to his snapback cap: getting chosen as Vice Ganda's leading man in an upcoming Christmastime flick.
For instance, Senator Ted Cruz just recently issued a statement in which he claims: "[...] it is time to take the next step and invoke the multilateral 'snapback' in United Nations Security Council resolution 2231." But what is the "snapback" mechanism?
It has resumed uranium enrichment and is threatening to exceed the limit agreed to in 2015, even though this would invite a "snapback" of additional sanctions.
This would ease sanctions progressively in response to nuclear disarmament steps taken by the North, although it would incorporate a "snapback" measure.
The "crypto mess" is finally bottoming in the April quarter and management sees a "material snap-back" starting in fiscal Q2 and the rest of the year, Mosesmann tells investors in a post-earnings research note titled "Crypto Bottoming - Aggressive Snapback - Stock Works for LT Investors." However, amid Datacenter and Gaming industry uncertainty, the analyst believes management is "needlessly being aggressive" with its outlook.
Apart from iPhone cases and Men's hoodies, the store also offered Women's hoodie for $75, Snapback hat for $25, Die-cast Model S P100D, Model S P85, and Model X for $250, and a Stealth Black Mug at $25
The best part of all, this holiday, you can avail for a limited edition AGON Snapback cap and AGON Gamers luggage for every purchase of AGON Monitors in selected retailers.
To show solidarity with his radicalised peers, Emmanuel wears loosefitting cargo pants, patent leather Space Jams, a black hoodie and a snapback cap.
He also wore a pair of sunglasses and a snapback cap.
Sanctions imposed on Iran should thwart the country's ability to finance terrorism, according to a US politician, in light of the upcoming "snapback" sanctions that the Trump administration is looking to implement.