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v. shift·ed, shift·ing, shifts
1. To exchange (one thing) for another of the same class: shifted assignments among the students.
2. To move or transfer from one place or position to another.
3. To alter (position or place).
4. To change (gears), as in an automobile.
5. Linguistics To alter phonetically as part of a systematic historical change.
1. To change position, direction, place, or form.
a. To provide for one's own needs; get along: "See me safe up: for my coming down, I can shift for myself" (Thomas More).
b. To get along by tricky or evasive means.
3. To change gears, as when driving an automobile.
4. Linguistics To be altered as part of a systematic historical change. Used of speech sounds.
5. To use a shift key.
1. A change from one person or configuration to another; a substitution.
a. A group of workers that relieve another on a regular schedule.
b. The working period of such a group: worked the night shift.
a. A means to an end; an expedient.
b. A stratagem; a trick.
4. A change in direction: a shift in the wind.
5. A change in attitude, judgment, or emphasis.
6. A change in position, as:
a. Music A change of the hand position in playing the violin or a similar instrument.
b. Football A rearrangement of players from one formation to another just prior to the snap of the ball.
c. Baseball A rearrangement of one or more fielders for improved defense against a particular hitter.
d. Geology See fault.
e. Computers Movement of characters in a register to the left or right, as of the bits in a byte.
7. The act or an instance of using a shift key.
8. Physics A change in wavelength, causing a movement of a spectral band or line.
9. Linguistics
a. A systematic change of the phonetic or phonemic structure of a language.
b. Functional shift.
a. A loosely fitting dress that hangs straight from the shoulder; a chemise.
b. A woman's undergarment; a slip or chemise.

[Middle English shiften, from Old English sciftan, to arrange, divide.]

shift′er n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.shifter - a stagehand responsible for moving sceneryshifter - a stagehand responsible for moving scenery
stage technician, stagehand - an employee of a theater who performs work involved in putting on a theatrical production
2.shifter - a mechanical device for engaging and disengaging gearsshifter - a mechanical device for engaging and disengaging gears; "in Britain they call a gearshift a gear lever"
mechanical device - mechanism consisting of a device that works on mechanical principles
automotive vehicle, motor vehicle - a self-propelled wheeled vehicle that does not run on rails
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


(Theat) → Kulissenschieber(in) m(f)
(US Aut, bicycle) → Schalthebel m
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
References in periodicals archive ?
Let us consider the case of a TTDU implementing N time shifters, driving N radiating elements.
Using phase shifters consisting of semi-lumped composite right/left-handed (CRLH) structures, the coupler printed area may be reduced, up to 56% and 67%, as reported in [7,8], respectively (in [8], a significant bandwidth enhancement has been also attained).
Signature Group in association with University Limerick SU ENTS Presents Shifters Tuesdays Every Tuesday at Sin Bin.
Melbourne, Apr 15 ( ANI ): A group of Australian children, known as the Pentecostal group Culture Shifters, claim they have instantly healed hundreds of people using the miracle powers of Jesus on Queensland streets.
Phase shifters are commonly used in many modern microwave systems such as electronic beam-scanning phased arrays, modulators, microwave measurement and instrumentation systems, and many other industrial applications.
Phase shifters are important elements in phased array radars and for applications in wireless communication, surveillance, sensing and tracking [1,2].
The shifters will be used in a range of environmentally friendly small city cars, sold globally under two different well-known brands.
Someone is killing shifters and Jason is the prime suspect.
We present a split-beam neutron interferometric experiment to test the non-cyclic geometric phase tied to the spatial evolution of the system: the subjacent two-dimensional Hilbert space is spanned by the two possible paths in the interferometer and the evolution of the state is controlled by phase shifters and absorbers.
The designs of MEMS switch circuits, MEMS phase shifters, distributed MEMS phase shifters and switches, MEMS varactors and tunable oscillators, micromachined inductors, reconfigurable MEMS networks, filters and subsystems, are described in Chapters 8 to 13.