References in classic literature ?
Bradley was suspicious of every sound he heard, and of every face he saw, but was under a spell which very commonly falls upon the shedder of blood, and had no suspicion of the real danger that lurked in his life, and would have it yet.
"Speak not of vengeance, husband," she answered, "I, too, am near to that land where the Slayer and the Slain, the Shedder of Blood and the Avenger of Blood are lost in the same darkness.
Balfour, than yon misguided shedder of man's blood.
"I am a priest," he cried unsteadily, "and a priest should be no shedder of blood.
The Jubilee era listens to shedders of crocodile tears and worships money, greed, and abused power.
IYes, they were "shedders" on the lookout for new recruits.
Control measures such as isolation of symptomatic calves and asymptomatic shedders, disinfection of shared equipment between patients and cleaning and disinfection of floors at least twice daily should be taken to reduce both nosocomial and zoonotic transmission of salmonellosis (STENERODEN et al., 2010).
After making the usual link to a certain paint advert, he claimed these dogs are "heavy shedders with a tendency to drool".
The purpose of this study was to determine mallein reactivity in glanders suspected draught horses and estimate prevalence of active nasal shedders. A total of n=122 animals were purposively selected based on a case definition.
Alan said: "We expect the shedders themselves to determine how it develops, what activities are pursued and how the shed is managed."
"They are called shedders but it's very difficult at the moment to see who is a shedder," he added.