

1. literary full of sense; containing meaning or significance
2. archaic full of (common) sense; sensible; intelligent
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Senseless is more of an antonym, though that too can mean unconscious (even if senseful does not exist to pair with it).
I still held a broken piece of glass in my hand and, though too ruthful to do him more damage, I kept it ready in case he became senseful before the police came.
The intervention comprises a modification of the structured CS program "NEUROvitalis senseful" [16], which was used in a study with patients with dementia living in a nursing home [17], and is a further development of the standardized cognitive training program "NEUROvitalis" [18].
Supplementary Table 1: structure and elements of the cognitive stimulation program NEUROvitalis senseful; Supplementary Table 2: overview of the neuropsychological test battery; Supplementary Table 3: activities of the residents: a typical week as reported by the nursing staff; Supplementary Table 4: medians and ranges of all cognitive subtests and QUALIDEM subscores for all time points of measurement differentiated for CS group and CG.
Its content is the unique life of the soul and the body in all their manifestations, and its free-form verse without any "laws" but the requirement of human breath and the senseful pause.
Finkel, Commonsense Justice, Psychology, and the Law: Prototypes that Are Common, Senseful, and Not, 3 PSYCHOL.
In the author's view, Wittgenstein derives the simplicity of objects directly from his account of possible states, complex objects and senseful propositions.
Finkel, Commonsense Justice, Psychology, and the Law: Prototypes Common, Senseful, and Not, 3 PSYCHOL.
employed in the construction of senseful propositions.
It means that the functions of the four types of moves bringing pieces into the path explain the senseful structure of mental spaces in protocols.