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Noun1.seconder - someone who endorses a motion or petition as a necessary preliminary to a discussion or vote
admirer, booster, protagonist, supporter, champion, friend - a person who backs a politician or a team etc.; "all their supporters came out for the game"; "they are friends of the library"
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[ˈsɛkəndər] n [motion] → personne f qui appuie une motionsecond fiddle n
to play second fiddle → jouer les seconds rôlessecond form ncinquième fsecond gear nseconde fsecond-grader [ˌsɛkəndˈgreɪdər] nélève mf de CE1second-guess [ˌsɛkəndˈgɛs] vt [+ sb's reaction] → essayer d'anticiper
They're still trying to second-guess his motives
BUT Ils essaient toujours de comprendre ses raisons.second-half [ˌsɛkəndˈhɑːf] modif (SPORT) [goal, try, substitution] → en deuxième mi-tempssecond hand n (on clock)trotteuse fsecond-hand secondhand [ˌsɛkəndˈhænd]
[car, books, clothes] → d'occasion
a secondhand car → une voiture d'occasion
[shop] → d'articles d'occasion
[stories, information, news, opinions] → de seconde main
[buy] → d'occasion
(= indirectly) → indirectement
to hear sth secondhand → apprendre qch indirectementsecond-hand bookshop secondhand bookshop nbouquiniste msecond-in-command [ˌsɛkəndɪnkəˈmɑːnd] n
(MILITARY)commandant m en second
(ADMINISTRATION)adjoint(e) m/f, sous-chef mfsecond language ndeuxième langue f
to teach English as a second language → enseigner l'anglais langue secondesecond lieutenant n
(British)lieutenant m en second
(US)lieutenant m en second
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


nBefürworter(in) m(f)
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[ˈsɛkndəʳ] nsostenitore/trice
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ˈsekənd) adjective
1. next after, or following, the first in time, place etc. February is the second month of the year; She finished the race in second place.
2. additional or extra. a second house in the country.
3. lesser in importance, quality etc. She's a member of the school's second swimming team.
next after the first. He came second in the race.
1. a second person, thing etc. You're the second to arrive.
2. a person who supports and helps a person who is fighting in a boxing match etc.
to agree with (something said by a previous speaker), especially to do so formally. He proposed the motion and I seconded it.
ˈsecondary adjective
1. coming after, and at a more advanced level than, primary. secondary education.
2. lesser in importance. a matter of secondary importance.
nounplural ˈsecondaries
a secondary school.
ˈseconder noun
a person who seconds.
ˈsecondly adverb
in the second place. I have two reasons for not buying the house – firstly, it's too big, and secondly it's too far from town.
secondary colours
colours got by mixing primary colours. Orange and purple are secondary colours.
secondary school
a school where subjects are taught at a more advanced level than at primary school.
ˌsecond-ˈbest noun, adjective
next after the best; not the best. She wore her second-best hat; I want your best work – your second-best is not good enough.
ˌsecond-ˈclass adjective
1. of or in the class next after or below the first; not of the very best quality. a second-class restaurant; He gained a second-class honours degree in French.
2. (for) travelling in a part of a train etc that is not as comfortable or luxurious as some other part. a second-class passenger; His ticket is second-class; (also adverb) I'll be travelling second-class.
ˌsecond-ˈhand adjective
previously used by someone else. second-hand clothes.
second lieutenant
a person of the rank below lieutenant. Second Lieutenant Jones.
ˌsecond-ˈrate adjective
inferior. The play was pretty second-rate.
second sight
the power of seeing into the future or into other mysteries. They asked a woman with second sight where the dead body was.
second thoughts
a change of opinion, decision etc. I'm having second thoughts about selling the piano.
at second hand
through or from another person. I heard the news at second hand.
come off second best
to be the loser in a struggle. That cat always comes off second best in a fight.
every second week/month etc
(on or during) alternate weeks, months etc. He comes in every second day.
second to none
better than every other of the same type. As a portrait painter, he is second to none.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
References in classic literature ?
'Wouldn't it have as good an effect if the proposer or seconder did that?' said the Honourable Samuel Slumkey.
And when he said it was Horatio Fizkin, Esquire, of Fizkin Lodge, near Eatanswill, the Fizkinites applauded, and the Slumkeyites groaned, so long, and so loudly, that both he and the seconder might have sung comic songs in lieu of speaking, without anybody's being a bit the wiser.
But after a very few sentences of figurative eloquence, the pink-faced gentleman got from denouncing those who interrupted him in the mob, to exchanging defiances with the gentlemen on the hustings; whereupon arose an uproar which reduced him to the necessity of expressing his feelings by serious pantomime, which he did, and then left the stage to his seconder, who delivered a written speech of half an hour's length, and wouldn't be stopped, because he had sent it all to the Eatanswill GAZETTE, and the Eatanswill GAZETTE had already printed it, every word.
The mover and seconder of the first Resolution (not having so much as the ghost of an idea to trouble either of them), poured out language in flowing and overflowing streams, like water from a perpetual spring.
In all such cases your movers, and your seconders, and your supporters --your regular Professors of all degrees, run amuck like so many mad Malays; habitually attributing the lowest and basest motives with the utmost recklessness (let me call your attention to a recent instance in yourself for which you should blush), and quoting figures which you know to be as wilfully onesided as a statement of any complicated account that should be all Creditor side and no Debtor, or all Debtor side and no Creditor.
The ECP has informed presidential candidates to appear along with their proposer and seconder before the Commission in Islamabad at 10:00 a.m.
The District Returning Officer in Kohlu rejected Ghazain Marris nomination papers after his proposer and seconder couldnt make to appear before the RO last week.
Bailie McLellan dismissed the remarks as "bunkum" and as there was no seconder for Bailie Barker's move to delay the rise until after the war, the proposal was carried.
"Belgut MP Nelson Koech, who was to be the seconder of the motion, also attended the meeting with the deputy president on Thursday.On Wednesday, Mr Abdullahi had said the process to compel President Kenyatta to fire Ms Kariuki was complete.
You'd get two or three opportunities a month at most to have your say in a council committee, you'd be lucky to get a seconder for anything you proposed.
To ensure accuracy, these must be presented in writing on forms provided, signed by the mover with the name of the seconder, and sent to the recording secretary.
It is suggested the time limit is reduced to four minutes for the proposer, while the limit for the seconder stays the same.