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sea dog

1. Nautical A very experienced sailor.
2. A seal.
3. sea·dog (sē′dôg′, -dŏg′) See fogbow.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Physical Geography) another word for fogbow, fogdog
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Tortoise liver, filleted shark, and beef steaks from seadogs."
After a generation of half-piratical depredations by the English seadogs against the Spanish treasure fleets and the Spanish settlements in America, King Philip, exasperated beyond all patience and urged on by a bigot's zeal for the Catholic Church, began deliberately to prepare the Great Armada, which was to crush at one blow the insolence, the independence, and the religion of England.
Pritzker's venture capital firm sold Seadog Cruises, a tour guide who made waves when he tried to unionize the company last fall learned he was out of a job.
After enjoying a North Berwick Seadog cocktail, I skipped the starters and went straight for a main course of tenderly cooked duck leg served with a variety of seasonal veg and a side dish of truffle and parmesan fries.
Claire Saxby's Seadog tells about a fisherman and his son's unconditional love for their scruffy and energetic pooch using delightfully rhythmic prose.
He is an old smuggler, who together with a handsome young seadog (Aneurin Barnard from The White Queen), goes on a quest to find a diamond that was supposed to belong to Blackbeard.
"I am getting a bit old, turning into a bit of a wrinkly old seadog" - Olympic sailor Sir Ben Ainslie (pictured), 36.
** SAXBY, Claire (text) Tom Jellett (illus.) Seadog Random House, 2013 unpaged $19.95 ISBN 9781742756509
CUTEST PET Adorable kitten SAVANNAH, left, curls up with her sister Roxy; BEST LOOKING OTHER PET Tortoise CHARLIE may come out of his shell after his triumph; BEST VIDEO Pool loving pup BECKS makes a splash; BEST LOOKALIKE To see you, to see you nice, it's dapper GIZMO as telly host Bruce Forsyth; MOST UNUSUAL PET Eye, eye, goldfish GOLDIE is quite a sight; BEST LOOKING CAT Purrfect poise as MOLLY proves she's no ordinary moggie; FUNNIEST PICTURE Seadog SANDY strikes an admiral-ble pose with wet whiskers; STARS: Timmy & Amy
PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: AT WORLD'S END (12) The third voyage of Captain Jack Sparrow opens with the salty seadog consigned to purgatory in Davy Jones' locker.
And although it may be enough to make the Elizabethan seadog choke on his pipe, the Sir Walter Raleigh pub will have to stub out smoking under new legislation.
Wiltsie does a commendable job injecting a small New England town feel on the cast of Lake Henry, though Micah sounds too much like an old Maine seadog. Overall, her voice is soothing, inviting and believable.