References in periodicals archive ?
Bowhunting elk with an OTC tag is hard enough without screwups like that.
Not a lot of folks in my business willingly expose their screwups, so I know I'm going to get letters from readers who claim they have never missed.
Bollywood star Diandra Soares plays lesbian in web series Love Life & Screwups. Her character is in love with a girl, but under family pressure is engaged to a man
"Issues" at the EMS level conveniently mask screwups, misunderstandings, bad information, poor coordination, insufficient knowledge, process shortcomings, basic cowardice or plain old incompetence.
Last check, it was $174k, at least thaf s what they paid Debbie Wasserman-Schuitz, whose screwups as chair led to the race to find a new one.
There is no better way to get others to take pleasure in your screwups than walking around with an attitude of being better or smarter than them.
They dine out on their screwups. They don't mind serving as a cautionary tale.
It's a story of government fights over spending, Cold War paranoia and sad screwups wrought by incompetence and rushed work--all part of this country's distant past, of course.
Going's King of the Screwups finds that his popular nephew, Liam, not only accepts Pete's cross-dressing, but helps out.
But the Peace Corps's perennial shortcoming--almost its tragic flaw--is its extreme reluctance to admit mistakes when they occur, and its less-than-strenuous efforts to root out screwups, breakdowns, and dysfunction when they are in the making.
Assumption is the brother (or is it the mother?) of all screwups.