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(sɑːˈdiː) or


(Biography) original name Sheikh Muslih Addin. ?1184–1292, Persian poet. His best-known works are Gulistān (Flower Garden) and Būstān (Tree Garden), long moralistic poems in prose and verse
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References in classic literature ?
I read in the Gulistan, or Flower Garden, of Sheik Sadi of Shiraz, that "they asked a wise man, saying: Of the many celebrated trees which the Most High God has created lofty and umbrageous, they call none azad, or free, excepting the cypress, which bears no fruit; what mystery is there in this?
By connecting local entrepreneurs with leading Lebanese investors abroad, Endeavor hopes to help early-stage companies in Lebanon secure funding, Sadi said.
A statement from the attorney general confirmed that the public prosecutor at the Sidi M'Hamed court made the decision to investigate Sadi because "his remarks are libellous" and are thus punishable under Algeria's Penal Code.
"Idleb governorate will spare no efforts to meet the citizens' need and the families affected by terrorist acts," Abu Sadi said.
"With key developments such as Dubai's successful bid to host the 2020 World Expo driving even more market activities in the country, we aim to uphold the Al Ramz brand of trading superiority in the coming years," observed Al Sadi.
"I believe PDSH is behind Bexheti but what is happening between Sadi Bexheti and Teuta Arifi in Tetovo is simply unbelievable because the two of them are university professors and they know each other well," Ibraimi said, adding that following the release of that footage, Bexheti should withdraw from the election race.
ABC News reported Sadi's store will receive a bonus of one half percent for selling the winning ticket or $115,000.
Commenting upon the protest march, a member of the security forces said in a statement to AL HAYAT that Sadi's insistence on conducting the illegal protest march means that he is therefore "considered to be among the outlaws" and subsequently it is the job of the security forces to "apply the law."
Mayor Sadi Kurtulan of Mustafakemalpasa said the blast occurred nearly 700ft below the surface and rescue workers were pumping air into the mine.
Dubai Property Ring, the developer behind the AED700 million revolving tower, has sadi that it is planning to start construction in the next few weeks, reports The National .
Sadi Konuk Hospital's intensive care unit on April 30 after having a seizure and high fever, Turkish daily Hurriyet said.
To the east of the city in Azmut, another young man was arrested: 19 year old Amer Mohammad Murad.The village of Azmut has faced increased aggression this week while early Saturday Israeli forces fired live ammunition at residents.To the north Israeli forces arrested brothers from the Sadi family at Jenin's Attara military checkpoint.There are some 11,000 Palestinians in Israeli prisons.