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bringing together the urban and the rural
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The organisations named 'Go Rurban' and 'Anant' have held seven such "mandis" in Gandhi Bhawan till now.
Else it won't touch ordinary lives." Modi also said his government planned to develop 300 villages across the country as growth centers by creating city- like infrastructure, from education and healthcare to digital connectivity under the National ' Rurban' Mission.
The company has one remaining variable-rate TRUPs issuance outstanding, issued by Rurban Statutory Trust II in September 2005, with an outstanding aggregate principal amount of USD 10.3m, maturing September 15, 2035.
Rurban Financial Corporation (NASDAQ: RBNF), a financial services company providing full-service community banking, mortgage banking, wealth management and item processing services, has reported that its a net income for the third quarter of 2011 was USD602,000, or USD0.12 per diluted share, compared to USD26,000, or USD0.01 per diluted share for the third quarter of 2010.
Rurban Financial Corporation (NASDAQ: RBNF), a diversified financial services company providing full-service community banking, wealth management, and data/ item processing services, has reported a net loss of USD853,000, or USD0.18 per diluted share in the fourth quarter of 2010, compared to a net loss of USD1.88m, or USD0.39 per diluted share for the 2009 fourth quarter.
Why now: With business seeking fortune at the bottom of the pyramid and aspirations of rural and urban consumers getting less distinct, addressing the Rurban customer is the challenge.
* Rurban Financial Corp., Defiance, Ohio, and The State Bank and Trust Company, Defiance, Ohio
Ministry of Rural Development under National Rurban mission has Launched of Tourism Projects in Moorang Rurban Cluster for development of Pilgrim and Spiritual Tourism and Adventure Tourism at Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh.
25 July 2012 - Consolidated net income at Rurban Financial Corp (NASDAQ:RBNF) increased to USD1m (EUR828,000), or USD0.21 per diluted share, for the second quarter of 2012, from USD780,000, or USD0.16 per diluted share, for the same period of 2011, the US diversified financial services company said on Tuesday.
Rurban Financial Corporation (NASDAQ: RBNF) has announced its quarterly shareholder dividend will be USD0.09 per share.