References in classic literature ?
There was a ruined uncle in the family group--ruined by his brother, the Father of the Marshalsea, and knowing no more how than his ruiner did, but accepting the fact as an inevitable certainty--on whom her protection devolved.
Le ministere de la sante entreprend tout pour faire aboutir et concretiser la couverture sanitaire universelle, pour permettre a toutes et a tous l'acces equitable chacun selon ses propres besoins a des services de sante complets (preventifs, curatifs, palliatifs, de readaptation et de promotion), des prestations de qualite, sans risquer de se ruiner financierement ou de s'appauvrir.
I was second, after my aunty and before my mum and cousin - aka the "Christmas/ birthday ruiner" who blabs what she's got people before handing gifts over and always has to go last at things like this, otherwise she'd let every skeleton out our collective closets before the psychic had time to say: "How do you do".
Choisir des fournitures scolaires de qualitUu[c] sans se ruiner. Un vUN"u qui sae1/4aoavUuA re souvent pieux.
Also part of the lineup is Reikon Games and Devolver Digital's cyberpunk top-down shooter video game "( Ruiner ." The game is set in the brutal world of 2091, where players are immersed in a cyberpunk dystopia.
But if a day ruiner, ruins your day yet again, work on a plan to detach yourself.
Ruiner PC, Xbox One, PS4 HHH HH YOUR brain has been hacked, your brother has been kidnapped.
Caroline Ruiner, Birgit Apitzsch, Vera Hagemann, Sabine Salloch, Laura Marie Schons and Maximiliane Wilkesmann address a particularly distinctive, and increasingly important, outcome of these reforms: the employment of locum doctors engaged as independent contractors in the organisational cores of hospitals in Germany.
On her new album Turn Out The Lights, Julien Baker wrestles with a deep-seated conviction that she's the sole ruiner of her own world.