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Related to Royals: royal family


1. Of or relating to a monarch.
2. Of the rank of a monarch.
3. Of, relating to, or in the service of a kingdom.
4. Issued or performed by a monarch: a royal warrant; a royal visit.
5. Founded, chartered, or authorized by a monarch: a royal society of musicians.
6. Befitting royalty; stately: royal treatment.
a. Superior, as in size or quality.
b. Used as an intensive: "It would be a first-class royal mess" (Sam Nunn).
1. Informal A member of a monarch's family: "Among the resort's distinguished visitors are Swedish and Spanish royals" (Alistair Scott).
2. Nautical A sail set on the royalmast.
3. A paper size, 20 by 25 inches for printing, 19 by 24 inches for writing.
the royal road
A way or method that presents no difficulties: the royal road to success.

[Middle English, from Old French, from Latin rēgālis, from rēx, rēg-, king; see reg- in Indo-European roots.]

roy′al·ly adv.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) of, relating to, or befitting a king, queen, or other monarch; regal
2. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) (prenominal; often capital) established, chartered by, under the patronage or in the service of royalty: the Royal Society of St George.
3. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) being a member of a royal family
4. above the usual or normal in standing, size, quality, etc
5. informal unusually good or impressive; first-rate
6. (Nautical Terms) nautical just above the topgallant (in the phrase royal mast)
7. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) (sometimes capital) informal a member of a royal family
8. (Animals) Also called: royal stag a stag with antlers having 12 or more branches
9. (Nautical Terms) nautical a sail set next above the topgallant, on a royal mast
10. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) a size of printing paper, 20 by 25 inches
11. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) chiefly Also called: small royal Brit a size of writing paper, 19 by 24 inches
12. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) any of various book sizes, esp 6 by 10 inches (royal octavo), 6 by 10 inches (super royal octavo), and (chiefly Brit) 10 by 12 inches (royal quarto) and 10 by 13 inches (super royal quarto)
[C14: from Old French roial, from Latin rēgālis, fit for a king, from rēx king; compare regal1]
ˈroyally adv
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈrɔɪ əl)

1. of or pertaining to a king, queen, or other sovereign: a royal palace.
2. descended from or related to a king or line of kings: a royal prince.
3. noting or having the rank of a king or queen.
4. established or chartered by or existing under the patronage of a sovereign: a royal society.
5. proceeding from or performed by a sovereign: a royal warrant.
6. appropriate to or befitting a sovereign; magnificent; stately.
7. serving or subject to a sovereign.
8. (usu. cap.) in the service of the British monarch or the Commonwealth: Royal Air Force.
9. fine; excellent: in royal spirits.
10. Informal. extreme or persistent; unmitigated: a royal pain.
11. a sail set on a royal mast.
12. Informal. a royal person; member of the royalty.
13. a size of printing paper, 20 x 25 in. (51 x 64 cm).
14. a size of writing paper, 19 x 24 in. (48 x 61 cm).
[1325–75; Middle English < Middle French < Latin rēgālis kingly =rēg- (s. of rēx) king + -ālis -al1; compare regal]
roy′al•ly, adv.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.royal - a sail set next above the topgallant on a royal mast
sail, canvass, canvas, sheet - a large piece of fabric (usually canvas fabric) by means of which wind is used to propel a sailing vessel
2.royal - stag with antlers of 12 or more branchesroyal - stag with antlers of 12 or more branches
stag - adult male deer
Adj.1.royal - of or relating to or indicative of or issued or performed by a king or queen or other monarch; "the royal party"; "the royal crest"; "by royal decree"; "a royal visit"
2.royal - established or chartered or authorized by royalty; "the Royal Society"
3.royal - being of the rank of a monarch; "of royal ancestry"; "princes of the blood royal"
noble - of or belonging to or constituting the hereditary aristocracy especially as derived from feudal times; "of noble birth"
4.royal - belonging to or befitting a supreme rulerroyal - belonging to or befitting a supreme ruler; "golden age of imperial splendor"; "purple tyrant"; "regal attire"; "treated with royal acclaim"; "the royal carriage of a stag's head"
noble - of or belonging to or constituting the hereditary aristocracy especially as derived from feudal times; "of noble birth"
5.royal - invested with royal power as symbolized by a crown; "the royal (or crowned) heads of Europe"
crowned - provided with or as if with a crown or a crown as specified; often used in combination; "a high-crowned hat"; "an orange-crowned bird"; "a crowned signet ring"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. regal, kingly, queenly, princely, imperial, sovereign, monarchical, kinglike an invitation to a royal garden party
2. splendid, august, grand, impressive, superb, magnificent, superior, majestic, stately She was given a royal welcome on her first visit to Britain.
3. (Informal) total, complete, perfect, entire, pure, sheer, utter, outright, thorough, downright, unqualified, full-on (informal), out-and-out, unadulterated, unmitigated, unalloyed He could be a royal pain in the ass sometimes.
"Royalty is the gold filling in a mouthful of decay" [John Osborne They Call it Cricket]
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


Large and impressive in size, scope, or extent:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
فَخْم، مُمْتازمَلَكيمَلَكِيّ
karališkasiskarališkosios šeimos nariaiprocentinis autorinis atlyginimasrojalistasryškiai mėlyna spalva
thuộc hoàng gia


His/Her Royal HighnessSu Alteza Real
the royal "we"el plural mayestático
2. (= splendid) → magnífico, espléndido, regio
to have a right royal timepasarlo en grande
B. Npersonaje m real, miembro mf de la familia real
the royalsla realeza
C. CPD the Royal Academy (of Arts) N (Brit) → la Real Academia (de Bellas Artes) RA - ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS the Royal Air Force Nlas Fuerzas Aéreas Británicas
royal blue Nazul m marino intenso
see also royal-blue Royal Commission N (Brit) → Comisión f Real
the Royal Engineers NPL (Brit) → el Cuerpo de Ingenieros
the royal family Nla familia real
the royal household Nla casa real
royal line Nfamilia f real, casa f real
the Royal Navy Nla Marina Británica
Royal Society N (Brit) → Real Academia f de Ciencias
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


adj [palace, yacht, household, residence, visit] → royal(e)
nmembre m/f de la famille royale
the royals → la famille royaleRoyal Academy n (British) (also Royal Academy of Arts) the Royal Academy → l'Académie f royale des Beaux-ArtsRoyal Air Force n (British) the Royal Air Force → la Royal Air Forceroyal blue nbleu roi m invroyal-blue [ˌrɔɪəlˈbluː] adjbleu roi invroyal enclosure n (at race course)tribune f réservée à la famille royaleroyal family nfamille f royaleRoyal Highness n
your Royal Highness → votre Altesse Royale
his Royal Highness → son Altesse Royale
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


adjköniglich; (fig also)fürstlich; the royal familydie königliche Familie, die Königsfamilie; the royal householdder königliche Haushalt; royal enclosure (on racecourse) abgeteilter Zuschauerbereich für die königliche Familie; the royal we (usu hum)der Pluralis Majestatis; the royal road to freedom/success etc (fig)der sichere Weg zur Freiheit/zum Erfolg etc; he’s a royal pain (in the neck) (inf)er geht einem tierisch auf die Nerven (inf)
(inf)Angehörige(r) mfder königlichen Familie
(= stag)kapitaler Bock


Royal Academy (of Arts)
n (Brit) Königliche Akademie (der Künste)
Royal Air Force
n (Brit) → Königliche Luftwaffe
Royal Assent
n (Brit) to receive or be given royaldie königliche Genehmigung bekommen
royal blue
nKönigsblau nt
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
n kanadische berittene Polizei
Royal Commission
royal correspondent
nHofkorrespondent(in) m(f)
Royal Engineers
n (Brit Mil) → Königliches Pionierkorps
royal flush
n (Cards) → Royal Flush m
Royal Highness
n Your/His royalEure/Seine Königliche Hoheit


Royal Mail
n (Brit) britischer Postdienst
Royal Marines
pl (Brit) britische Marineinfanterie
Royal Mint
Royal Navy (Brit)
attrder Königlichen Marine
royal palace
royal purple
n (colour) → Purpur m
Royal Society
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1. adjreale
the royal household → la famiglia reale e il seguito
the royal we → il pluralis maiestatis
they gave us a royal welcome → ci hanno fatto un'accoglienza principesca
2. n the Royals (fam) → i reali, la famiglia reale
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ˈroiəl) adjective
1. of, concerning etc a king, queen etc. the royal family; His Royal Highness Prince Charles.
2. magnificent. a royal feast.
ˈroyally adverb
ˈroyalist noun
a person who supports a king or queen. The republicans fought the royalists.
ˈroyaltyplural ˈroyalties noun
1. a payment made to a writer, recording artist etc for every book, record etc sold.
2. the state of being royal, or royal people in general. The commands of royalty must be obeyed.
royal blue
(of) a bright, darkish blue. a royal-blue dress.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


مَلَكِيّ královský royal königlich βασιλικός real kuninkaallinen royal kraljevski reale 王室の 왕족의 koninklijk kongelig królewski real королевский kunglig เกี่ยวกับราชวงศ์ kraliyet thuộc hoàng gia 皇家的
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
References in classic literature ?
The maid's cheek darkened beneath the satin of her transparent skin, and the eyes of Astok, Prince of Dusar, darkened, too, as he read that which passed unspoken between the two in the royal gardens of the jeddak.
In a splendid chamber of the Palais Royal, formerly styled the Palais Cardinal, a man was sitting in deep reverie, his head supported on his hands, leaning over a gilt and inlaid table which was covered with letters and papers.
I wish I could tell you how fine the company was that assembled that evening at Ozma's royal banquet.
Astor With Respect to the Sandwich Islands- Karakakooa.- Royal Monopoly of Pork.- Description of the Islanders-Gayeties on Shore.- Chronicler of the Island.
His idea was a republic, with- out privileged orders, but with a hereditary royal family at the head of it instead of an elective chief magistrate.
On the shoulders of Umhlangana was my royal kaross, and there was blood on the kaross; and in the hand of Dingaan was my royal spear, and there was blood upon the spear.
The young man waited till one of them was close to his saddle-bow: then stooping towards him, in a clear, distinct voice, which was perfectly audible at the window where the two girls were concealed, "A message for his royal highness," he said.
"Pardon, from your royal bounty, for these my men who stand ready to serve you all your days!"
"It is our royal duty, as well as our royal pleasure," he said, "to provide fitting entertainment for our distinguished guest.
When the Wonderful Wizard reigned the Soldier with the Green Whiskers was a very good Royal Army, for people feared the Wizard.
There was a large audience assembled on the 14th of January, 1862, at the session of the Royal Geographical Society, No.
They played the National air called "The Oz Spangled Banner," and behind them were the standard bearers with the Royal flag.