

resembling a rope
in the manner of a rope
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Interwoven with dead limbs and living branches were the tough and ropelike creepers which formed a tangled network across their path.
This smooth ropelike structure has a hundred billion nerve cells packed into a space just the width of your little finger.
Later, they began flying planes with small engines, connected to the ground by ropelike tethers.
AS STUDENTS BEGIN WORKING with clay coils, I model for them how to form ropelike coils by rolling the clay in both hands, and then assembling these on top of each other to build up a wall.
Multipet International: Silly Rope Monsters squeak toys have a soft, ropelike texture and an elongated shape that will make for a great game of tug of war and fetch.
The sealant fills the gaps between the strands of ropelike jute fibre, the material that was used to pack the joint for maximum snugness " an effective seal, back in the day.
Robinson; not shown) at 2319-20, with up to five ropelike vortices, some with ground circulations, feeding into the larger circulation from the NW.
Further imaging and investigation of five new fossilized specimens reveal exceptionally well-preserved soft tissue and a ropelike structure running down the animal's belly.
Sculptural, ropelike, yellow buses are threading their way everywhere through town right now.
The ropelike stems are pale at first, then forking branches develop as they grow.
Later, sinus tracts form, and, over time, ropelike fibrotic subcutaneous scarring occurs, which can lead to disabling contractures of the affected limbs.