References in classic literature ?
"She has interested herself very much in the matter of Belgian refugees and is entertaining a great many of them at a house of hers near the seaside.
This excepted, no ill-will was shown to the refugees. The young ladies were then requested to return to bed.
A quarter of an hour after, the captain received the written order from the king, to blow up the fortress of Belle-Isle, in case of resistance, with power of life and death over all the inhabitants or refugees, and an injunction not to allow one to escape.
had long been the enemy of the Dutch, who insulted or ridiculed him to their hearts' content, although it must be said that they generally used French refugees for the mouthpiece of their spite.
Inglethorp that I am here." Then, as I looked at him inquiringly: "Yes, my friend, she had kindly extended hospitality to seven of my countrypeople who, alas, are refugees from their native land.
The motor, loaded with refugees, continued to travel very slowly down the hill.
The German name of the victim, the absence of all other motive, and the sinister inscription on the wall, all pointed to its perpetration by political refugees and revolutionists.
In 1560 English Puritan refugees at Geneva put forth the 'Geneva Bible,' especially accurate as a translation, which long continued the accepted version for private use among all parties and for all purposes among the Puritans, in both Old and New England.
The mountains and waste regions were filled with outlaws and refugees who were being hunted down mercilessly.
Some of the refugees were exchanging news with the people on the omnibuses.
Such refugees stole women from the mainland, and increased and multiplied.
Evidently he wished to be amiable to that young man whose arrival had made some sensation in the world of political refugees.