
(redirected from redeyes)


An overnight flight that arrives at its destination very early in the morning. Primarily heard in US. My original flight was cancelled, so I caught the redeye back to Philadelphia and got in at four in the morning.

take a/the redeye

To take an overnight flight that arrives at its destination very early in the morning. Primarily heard in US. My original flight was canceled, so I took the redeye back to Philadelphia and got in at four in the morning. The only way we can fly on those dates and still stay within our budget is to fly from Denver to Chicago and then take a redeye to Seattle.
See also: redeye, take
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.
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References in periodicals archive ?
"You ain't gonna eat them redeyes is ya?" A goggle-eyed rock bass stared up at me, the stroke of my knife now uncertain as I contemplated the edibility of ol' redeyes.
If ever some foolproof fishing expedition falls flat on its face, say some lake where the walleyes were reportedly attacking Saltine crackers thrown near the boat and your party bags a few redeyes and a hubcap off a '74 Crown Vic--better check the visitor's log back at the resort, down in the Ls.
Redeyes Leisure Limited, the name of the company behind Cardiff's Eden Park store, has gone into liquidation and a meeting of creditors will be held at an insolvency practitioners in London next month.
Repeated attempts by the Echo to contact 40-year-old Cardiff businessman Byron Lloyd who, along with his wife Nicole, is a director of Redeyes, has failed.