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(Physical Geography) geography the washing away of soil or other material by rain
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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His range of work is extensive and he has participated in multiple exhibitions, most recently the inaugural show of the MACAM museum in Atila, in which he presented his installation "Rainwash," which dwelt with how society casts and molds people.
Then, in consequence of rainwash sedimentation, the territory was covered by pedosediments fMa (547-585 cm) having the character of pellet sands.
However, where bioturbation is coupled to other soil movement processes such as rainwash, and/or where the biomixing depth function varies with depth and/or where the incorporation of other constituents such as organic matter also varies with depth, horizonisation is expected (e.g.
Biomixing may also develop an earthy fabric and, in conjunction with rainwash, may also lead to the coarsening in textures at the near surface (Paton et al.
Firstly, the positioning, stability, and texture of the proteoid root mat mitigates the effectiveness of rainwash. Secondly, the root mat potentially contributes to the development of texture contrast soils.
2 Charcoal fragments (< 10 mm) 3 Incoherent, clean quartz sand (500-1000 [micro]m), subangular to subrounded; no evidence of bioturbation; clean grains indicate transportation by rainsplash and/or rainwash; occurs as shallow surface lag over Layers 4, 7, and 8 or mixed with Layers 0, 1, and 2; [is less than or equal to] 5 mm thick.
"The abandoned wharves, shipyards and warehouses of the riverside - Glasgow's imperial industrial heartland and the source of its wealth - are now landscaped parks and yet, you can turn a corner and this new 21st century city disappears and in its place are the wide rainwashed streets of an older Glasgow." For details, www.barbican.org.uk
rainwashed students' other seminaries in the other parts of the country' where government does not have any say(Sattar July 7 2007).
I've never seen it look more beautiful as now: rainwashed and all lit up for the holy month.
Sabbath ankle-deep in the pudding of the springtime mud, blindly engulfed by the alien, inland woods, by the rainmaking trees and the rainwashed boulders--and with no one to kill him except himself.
When my dinner mate -- who's more of a card- carrying Bengali than I am -- and I arrived at the rainwashed commercial centre next to the Aravali apartments in Alaknanda, the area was deserted.