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v. ra·di·at·ed, ra·di·at·ing, ra·di·ates
1. To send out rays or waves.
2. To issue or emerge in rays or waves: Heat radiated from the stove.
3. To extend in straight lines from or toward a center; diverge or converge like rays: Spokes radiate from a wheel hub.
4. To spread into new habitats and thereby diverge or diversify. Used of a group of organisms.
1. To emit (light or energy) in rays or waves.
2. To send or spread out from or as if from a center: a cactus that radiates spines.
3. To irradiate or illuminate (an object).
4. To manifest in a glowing manner: a leader who radiates confidence.
adj. (-ĭt)
1. Botany Having rays or raylike parts, as in the flower heads of daisies.
2. Biology Characterized by radial symmetry.
3. Surrounded with rays: a radiate head on a coin.

[Latin radiāre, radiāt-, to emit beams, from radius, ray; see ray1.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
Esther found herself at variance with her sweetest friend; she could no longer look into his heart and find it written with the same language as her own; she could no longer think of him as the sun which radiated happiness upon her life, for she had turned to him once, and he had breathed upon her black and chilly, radiated blackness and frost.
Small craft radiated in all directions round the Abraham Lincoln as she lay to, and did not leave a spot of the sea unexplored.
He was slender and dapper, and in appearance and comportment was so sweet- and gentle-spirited that the impression he radiated was almost of sissyness.
Whether he accepted the wise reasoning contained in the Mason's words, or believed as a child believes, in the speaker's tone of conviction and earnestness, or the tremor of the speaker's voice- which sometimes almost broke- or those brilliant aged eyes grown old in this conviction, or the calm firmness and certainty of his vocation, which radiated from his whole being (and which struck Pierre especially by contrast with his own dejection and hopelessness)- at any rate, Pierre longed with his whole soul to believe and he did believe, and felt a joyful sense of comfort, regeneration, and return to life.
The surface of this metal was highly ornamented in raised designs representing men, animals, flowers and trees, and from the metal itself was radiated the soft light which flooded the room.
TWO critically endangered radiated tortoises have hatched at Chester Zoo.
In particular, by an appropriate choice of the modes and their polarizations, a Mobius polarization state for the radiated field has been obtained [22].
INTERNATIONAL conservationists in Madagascar have been treating more than 10,000 critically endangered radiated tortoises that were seized from traffickers who had crammed them into a house with no access to food or water.
(Remember, energy is power x time.) In any event, the energy contained in the radiated field comes from, and is lost to, the circuit in the box.
Moreover, when an EMC problem is found, it is difficult and time consuming to identify the actual source of EMI because (1) there are many sources causing radiated EMI in EV; (2) the parasitic parameters among structures cause many hidden transmission paths or antennas radiating/transmitting EMI.