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Table A1 List of all taxa analyzed and total number of contigs after assembly Taxon Total contig number Choanoflagelata Acanthoeca spectabilis W.Ellis, 1930 198,922 Salpingoeca pyxidium Kent 202,399 Metazoa Porifera Hyalonema papilliferum Schulze, 1899 58,839 Kirkpatrickia variolosa (Kirkpatrick, 1907) 100,231 Latrunculia apicalis Ridley & Dendy, 1886 76.210 Rossella fibulata Schulze & Kirkpatrick.
Fruit is utricle or pyxidium. Seeds are lenticular and tiny (0.9 to 1.7 mm diameter and 1000-seed weights from 0.6 to 1 g) that are typically dispersed by wind, water, or birds, having extended period of germination with prolific seed production and a base chromosome number of 16 or 17 (Stevens, 1932; Sauer, 1967; Kigel, 1994; Pratt et al., 1999; Franssen et al., 2001b; Costea & Tardif, 2003; Mosyakin & Robertson, 2003; Costea et al, 2004; Steckel, 2004).