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n. pl. pupfish or pup·fish·es
Any of various small deep-bodied fishes of the family Cyprinidontidae, chiefly found in isolated habitats such as desert springs and streams of Mexico and the southwest United States.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


n, pl -fish or -fishes
(Animals) any of various small killifishes of the genus Cyprinodon, found mainly in brackish or fresh water in southwestern US and northern Mexico, and in coastal areas around the Caribbean
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



n., pl. (esp. collectively) -fish, (esp. for kinds or species) -fish•es.
any of several tiny, stout killifishes of the genus Cyprinodon, inhabiting marshy waters in arid areas of W North America.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Additionally, the evolution of the pupfish fisheries in the stretches below the waterfalls was analyzed, since this is a demand of the fishermen, who accuse decrease in the catches of this important resource.
Under the usual rubric of enhancing emissions standards, protecting the nation's waterways, cleaning up toxic waste sites, and so forth, the Trump budget contemplates an EPA that will continue to carry out the agenda of Rachel Carson, Ralph Nader, and other environmental extremists to make America safer for endangered pupfish and flies, while doing everything it can to prevent further industrialization or use of the nation's natural resources at anything approaching rational levels of consumption.
And Alexis Rockman's New Mexico Field Drawings, 2017, created specifically for this exhibition, depict some of the titular state's indigenous species, such as the extinct Edaphosaurus and the rare White Sands pupfish, and incorporate locally sourced organic materials.
It is possibly rarer than Deils Hole pupfish, which is found only in one location in Death Valley National Park, Nevada, and is often referred to as the rarest fish in the world.
"That would require thousands of acre-feet of water per year for up to a century," said Robert J Halstead, executive director of Nevada's Agency for Nuclear Development, which opposes a Yucca Mountain repository."That would clearly threaten the sustainability of the groundwater resource in Amargosa Valley." A tiny fish in danger But the greatest threat of groundwater pumping is to several species of inch-long pupfish, tiny iridescent blue fish so named because they seem to play with one another like frisky puppies.
The endemic White Sands pupfish, a threatened species that lives in the monument's Lost River, is the only fish in the Tularosa Basin and has lived there for more than 12,000 years.
A protracted reproductive season of 9 mo is similar to other species associated with spring complexes of the Edwards Plateau, such as 10 mo for Ironcolor Shiner Notropis chalybaeus (Perkin et al., 2012), 12 mo for Largespring Gambusia Gambusia geiseri (Hubbs, 1998), 12 for Leon Springs Pupfish Cyprinodon bovinus (Kennedy, 1977); and 11 to 12 mo for Fountain Darter Etheostoma fonticola (Schenck and Whiteside, 1977; Nichols, 2015).
The molecular basis of a microsatellite null allele from the White Sands pupfish. Journal of Heredity 89: 339-342.
Evolutionary history of the Ash Meadows pupfish (genus Cyprinodon) populations inferred using microsatellite markers.
Effects of generation-long temperature acclimation on reproductive performance of the desert pupfish, Cyprinodon n.
The locals: 1,000 species of plants and 400 types of animals, including the tiny pupfish, the desert tortoise and the elusive desert bighorn sheep.