
(redirected from preloads)
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1. to load before use
2. (intr) informal to consume alcoholic drinks at home before going to a social gathering
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
The C04TB1 face collar increases stiffness, prevents the shaft or bushings from moving side-to-side, and preloads opposing thin film pressure, maintaining the perfect gap and tolerances.
Swedish telecommunications and media company Millicom has formed a strategic partnership with US Internet television network Netflix to bring Netflix app preloads to Android smartphones from TigoSmart and provide promotions to TigoStar and TigoSmart customers in Latin America, the company said on Monday.
13 June 2016 - Swedish telecommunications and media company Millicom has formed a strategic partnership with US Internet television network Netflix to bring Netflix app preloads to Android smartphones from TigoSmart and provide promotions to TigoStar and TigoSmart customers in Latin America, the company said on Monday.
LeEco preloads the Le 1s Eco with LeVidi, your one-stop shop for the latest blockbuster movies.
Preloads have to be carefully designed and staged and water pressures monitored.
This single-turn wave spring preloads the bearing through its outer race, taking up play in the bearing.
Barbara Rolls and co-workers fed 24 lean women one of three "preloads'--each with 270 calories--five minutes before lunch: (1) a chicken-rice casserole, (2) me same casserole served with a 12-ounce glass of water, or (3) the same casserole and the same glass of water, but mixed together, heated, and served as chicken-rice soup.
* Preloads. Despite the fact that a gradual shift to the use of roller bearings in calenders began in earnest nearly 30 years ago, the majority of installed calenders, and in particular, the majority of the calenders available on the used market, are fitted with journal bearings.
This method basically preloads the teeth, which reduces backlash.
Figure 2 schematically shows the characteristic torque and preload on a self threading screw as a function of the insertion time.