pot luck

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pot luck



a. whatever food happens to be available without special preparation
b. (as modifier): a pot-luck dinner.
2. whatever is available (esp in the phrase take pot luck)
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
He at once resolved to accompany me to that island, ship aboard the same vessel, get into the same watch, the same boat, the same mess with me, in short to share my every hap; with both my hands in his, boldly dip into the Potluck of both worlds.
I am grown by sympathy a little eager and sentimental, but leave me alone and I should relish every hour and what it brought me, the potluck of the day, as heartily as the oldest gossip in the bar-room.
At today's potlucks, these salads may seem retro, yes, yet they are always welcome.
Starters, sides, main dishes, desserts and drinks that lend to portable potlucks are the showcase of Potluck: Food and Drinks to Share with Friends and Family, and offer a range of dishes that will stand out from the crowd.
He also plans to have annual vegetarian potlucks and food festivals to promote vegetarianism in the country.
Ali Rosen, potluck maven par excellence, helps you avoid such dining disasters in Bring It!: Tried and True Recipes for Potlucks and Casual Entertaining (Running Press, $25, 240 pages, ISBN 9780762462728).
Hosting potlucks also provides insight into what such food events would entail.
From polished videos [http://backtochurch.com/videos] produced by the U.S.-based Back to Church Sunday organization, to newspaper ads to simple homemade potlucks and personal invitations to friends and neighbours.
Over three hundred entrees, appetizers and side dishes suitable for potlucks were either gathered from cooks of all denominations across the country, or created by author Susie Siegfried in Church Potluck Carry-Ins And Casseroles (1593375492 $15.95).
The BVS began with monthly potlucks, but the organization added sessions with speakers to its calendar and, ultimately, attracted more members.
Here are two recipes perfect for those fall potlucks and dinner parties that are sure to please even the pickiest crowd.
Gronemus noted that she was shocked and appalled to learn that statewide, and even in her Assembly District, health workers/inspectors were threatening and even busting schools, churches, VFW Clubs, and even nursing homes for having a potluck. In researching the problem, Gronemus discovered that under a state rule potlucks were not listed as an exception to the definition of a restaurant and were technically illegal.