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(Journalism & Publishing) any statement or information at the end of a text, the opposite of a preface
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ONE WISHES MORE volumes of poetry had a postface such as the one given Hier ist gegangen wer on the occasion of the poet Manfred Peter Hein's seventieth birthday, to be celebrated "at an art gallery, if possible, in Bern, on 25 May 2001." Some basic biographical information, such as that Hein came from East Prussia, has lived in Finland since the late 1950s, and developed an active interest in the cultures of Eastern Europe in direct response to his father's view of the East as merely "enemy and settling territory," helps the reader to see at least the general context of the hermetic compositions which dominate Hein's entire poetic oeuvre.
(These remarks, incidentally, were reprinted as a postface to the translation of one of my novels published here by Red Dust, The Libera Me Domine.) What I can do, though, is go into greater detail about the way I treat the material of my novels, and try to explain how I write them.
This issue of Diogenes is intended as a preliminary sketch of such an endeavor as well as a means of paying homage to Roger Caillois, who placed the copy at the center of his aesthetic reflection, as Pierre-Emmanuel Dauzat's postface reminds us.
Nouvelle edition revisee avec une postface bibliographique de H.U.
Une postface, un epilogue et une imposante bibliographie comportant 1328 titres distincts, dont les 316 references mentionnees a la fin de chacun des chapitres, completent cette somme magistrale axee sur l'etude des rapports que les femmes entretiennent avec le sacre et le religieux.
Ainsi, comme souligne dans la postface de son livre, [beaucoup moins que] l'auteure se projetant dans cette periode, reinterroge les sources (-) pour corriger la version coloniale, partiale et biaisee de cette periode fondatrice.
An annotated translation of the "Shuowen Postface" in light of this new interpretation concludes the discussion.
A postface describes the theoretical underpinnings and scholarship that inform the study, especially the key term 'displacement.' The book is illustrated with historical and contemporary b&w photos and maps.
Preguntandose como una muchacha de dieciocho anos podia plasmar con tanta hondura el lazo amoroso que une a dos hermanos espanoles a principio del siglo XVII, Yourcenar, responde: "Toute a deja ete vecu et revecu des milliers de fois par les disparus que nous portons dans nos fibres, toute comme nous portons en elles les milliers d'etres qui seront un jour" (Postface 936).