
(redirected from poofters)


(ˈpʊftə; ˈpuːf-)
1. offensive Brit a man who is considered effeminate or homosexual
2. derogatory NZ a contemptible person
[C20: expanded form of poof]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


[ˈpʊftər] (British) npédé mpooh-pooh [ˌpuːˈpuː] vt [+ idea, suggestion] → dédaigner
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
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"Cool boys," "party animals," "squids" and "poofters": Interrogating the dynamics and politics of adolescent masculinities in school.
Look, even Australia has legalised gay marriage - and that's a country where, as Monty Python reminded us, Rule No1 was "No poofters".
- sportsmanship of which only FIFA's Fair Play poofters could be proud!
Westminster candidate for South Basildon Kerry Smith quit in December after describing gay people as "old poofters" and referring to a Chinese woman as a "Chinky bird".
But the winner by 1.6 kilometres -- sorry, a mile -- was parliamentary candidate Kerry Smith, who, after using the phrases "disgusting poofters" and "chinky bird" said he'd been taking prescription medication following an injury and was "not really thinking and speaking rationally".Best double entendre in a public name
In the latest incident, one is alleged to have posted a message on Facebook suggesting that "poofters" might reconsider their sexual orientation if one was shot.
(1999) Cool boys, party animals, squids and poofters: Interrogating the dynamics and politics of adolescent masculinities in school.
Ciccone, a gay interior decorator, blamed the collapse of his relationship with Madonna on Guy Ritchie's alleged homophobic tendencies and fondness for ill-judged witticisms about 'poofters'.
The court was told that the 15-year-old was heard leaving the scene, saying: "I hate gays and poofters."